Sunday 2 July 2017

Cmpa Handelssystem

Wie dies im Gegensatz zu Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 So viel von den Informationen über WW2 ist mit Abkürzungen und Akronyme gespickt, und obwohl es viele Websites, die diese auflisten, scheint es nicht wie irgendjemand irgendetwas, das sich einer vollständigen Liste nähert. Dieser Thread wird darauf abzielen, dass mit einem Beitrag für jeden Buchstaben des Alphabets, die hinzugefügt werden können und aktualisiert als Mitglieder ihre Ergebnisse beitragen. Fühlen Sie sich frei, irgendwelche Links zu Abkürzungen etc. Dokumente und Websites zu veröffentlichen, aber bitte geben Sie ihnen einen Titel, der eindeutig angibt, was sie damit zu tun haben, wenn es spezifisch ist. Wenn Sie wirklich helfen wollen, posten Sie einfach diejenigen, die fehlen, und in diesem Format: AbkürzungAcronym - Bedeutungen - Hauptnutzer XXXXX - XABCDEF - US XXXXX - XBCDEFG XDEFGHI XGHIJKL - UK XXXXX - XCDEFGH - Ger Bitte versuchen Sie und posten Sie Artikel in ihrer am besten verwendeten Format - alle Kapitalskapital und untere Casewith Klammern oder ohne Interpunktion etc. Während diese Liste in erster Linie auf WW2 gerichtet ist, können Abkürzungen nur verwendet werden, da oft hilfreich sein, vor allem bei der Erforschung, so dass sie nicht ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen werden. Wenn du versuchst, die Bedeutung von etwas zu finden, das isn39t in der Liste ist, bitte auch hier posten und wir sehen, was wir finden können. Hoffentlich kommen wir schließlich mit einer Liste, die allen helfen kann, die versuchen, die Vergangenheit zu entschlüsseln. Ich würde vorschlagen, dass die Abkürzung oder Akronym in Bold Type gedruckt werden, um es leichter zu sehen. (Nigel Ich hoffe, dass Sie sich nicht daran erinnern, dass ich dort sprang. Lou) Wie dies im Gegensatz zu Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 a - Acting Rang AA 8211 Anti-Aircraft Genehmigungsbehörde Air Attache Assembly Area Flugzeugverfügbarkeit AAA 8211 Anti-Aircraft Artillerie AAC - Army Air Corps ( UK) Anti-Aircraft-Kooperation AACC - Armee-Air-Corps-Zentrum AACF - Flugabwehr-Kooperationsflug AACTDC - Army Air Corpse Taktisches Entwicklungszentrum AACU - Anti-Aircraft-Kooperationseinheit AAEE - Flugzeug - und Rüstungsversuch AAEE 8211 Flugzeug und Rüstung ExperimentalEvaluation Establishment AE - Munition und Sprengstoffe AAF - Armee Flugplatz oder Luftwaffe oder Flugzeug Flug oder Alliierte Luftwaffe AAFCE - Allied Air Forces Mitteleuropa AAFES 8212Army und Air Force Exchange Service - US AAFNE - Allied Air Forces Nordeuropa AAFSE - Allied Luftwaffe Südeuropa AAGS - Luft-Rüstungs-Gasschule AAGR - Luft-Luft-Schussregion AAITS - Airmen Aircrew Initial Training School AAM - Army Achievement Medaille Air-to-Air Missile AAMG - Flugzeug-Maschinengewehr AAP 8211 Anti-Armor Platoon Aircraft Acceptance Park - oder Armee-Aircraft-Park AAPC - Anti-Aircraft-Übungslager AAR - Air-to-Air-TankenAfter-Action-ReviewAfter-Action-Bericht Air-to-Air ReceiveAircraft Unfallbericht AAS - Air Armament School AASF - Fortgeschrittene Luftschlagkraft (193940) AATE - Air Rüstungsversuche Establishment AATFC 8212Air Assault Task Force Commander AATTF - Anti-Aircraft und Target Towing Flight AATTDC - Armee Air Transport Training Development Center AAU - Air Ambulance Unit oder Flugzeugabnahme Einheit oder Flugzeug Assembly Unit AAW - Anti-Air Warfare AB - Able Seaman Airborne AB - Airborne AB - Autoblinda - Panzerwagen - Ita. ABC - Airborne Cigar (Sender an Bord von Flugzeugen, die deutsche Kämpferkontrolle freigibt) ABC Verteidigung - Atomic Biological Chemical Defense ABGS (ME) Air Bombing Gunnery School (Mittlerer Osten) ABN 8212Airborne ABTF - Air Bombardierung Trainingsflug AC - Flugzeug Panzerwagen Absolute Decke ACdre - Air Commodore AC - Aircraftman Panzerwagen AC1 - Flugzeugmeister First Class AC2 - Flugzeugspieler Zweite Klasse ACAC - Aircrew Allokationszentrum ACATC - Air Cadets Adventure Training Center ACAV - Armored Cavalry Assault Fahrzeug ACDC - Aircrew Dispatch Center ACDW - Air Crew Entsorgung Flügel ACC - Army Kooperationsbefehl Alliierte Kontrollkommission Air Control Center Panzerwagenfirma ACCF - Armeekommunikation Kommandokommunikation Flug ACCGS - Air Cadet Zentrale Segelschiff ACCU 8211 Luftschifffahrt ACGFSOC - Air Cadet Gleitflug Flugsicherheitsbeauftragter39s Kurs ACDU - Army Cooperation Entwicklungsabteilung ACDU (ME) - Luftfahrt-Entwicklungsabteilung (Mittlerer Osten) ACF - Luftkommando Fernost ACFAWF - Luftkommando Tarif Ost Alle Wetterflug ACFSS - Luftkadetten Flying Stipendienschema ACGS (OR) - Assistant Chief of the General Staff (Operational Voraussetzungen) ACH Air Craft Hand ACH - Fortgeschrittene Kette Home ACHU - Aircrew Holding Unit ACIs - Air Council Anleitung ACO - Fortgeschrittene Kette Übersee (Radar) ACO - Air Cadet Organisation ACM - Air Chief Marschall ACP - Air Cadet Publikation (abgeleitet von APs) oder Aerodrome Control Pilot ACPNTS - Air Cadets Pilot Navigation Training Scheme ACR - Airfield Control Radar ACRC - Air Crew Reception Center ACRC (ME) - Air Crew Reception Center Mittlerer Osten ACRC - Aircrew Empfangszentrum ACRS - Air Crew Refresher School ACS - Flugfeld Bau Squadron ACSB - Air Crew Selection Board ACSEA - Air Command Südostasien ACSEAASS - Air Command Südostasien Air Service Squadron ACTC - Air Cadet Trainingszentrum ACU - Klimaanlage EinheitArmy Combat Uniform Assault Craft Unit Annunciator Control Unit Automatische Calling Unit Administrative Control Unit ACV - Armored Cavalry Vehicle ACOL - Area Coordinator der offiziellen Sprachen AD - Flugzeugdepot oder Air Defense oder Nachzucht ADATS - Air Defense Anti-Tank-System ADC - Air Defense CentreAide de Camp ADCC - Air Defense Cadet Corps (gegründet 1938, siehe ATC) ADCS - Air Verteidigung Kooperation Squadron ADEM - Luftverteidigung Östliches Mittelmeer ADF (U) - Flugzeuglieferungsflug (Einheit) ADGB - Luftverteidigung von Großbritannien ADGE - Luftverteidigung Bodenumwelt Adj - Adjutant ADLS - Luftversand Letter Service Adm 8211 Verwaltung ADM 8211 Admiral, vier Star Naval Flag Officer 8211 O-10 ADM - Assistant Deputy Minister oder Air Defense Missile ADM (Fin CS) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Finanzen und Corporate Services) ADM (HR-Civ) - stellvertretender stellvertretender Minister (Human Resources 8211 Zivilist) ADM ( HR-Mil) - Stellvertretender stellvertretender Minister (Human Resources - Militär) ADM (IE) - stellvertretender stellvertretender Minister (Infrastruktur und Umwelt) ADM (IM) - stellvertretender stellvertretender Minister (Informationsmanagement) ADM (Mat) - stellvertretender stellvertretender Minister (Materiel) ADM (PA) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) ADMS 8211 Assistant Director von Medical Services ADRU - Air Dispatch Reception Unit ADS - Fortgeschrittene Abrichtstation ADU - Flugzeuglieferungseinheit AE - Air Efficiency Award AEAES - Air Electronics Air Engineers School AEAF - Allied Expeditionäre Luftwaffe AEC - Assessment Evaluation Center AED - Flugzeugausrüstung Depot AEF - Air Experience Flug AEME 8211 Australische Elektro - und Maschinenbauingenieure AES - Air Electronics Schul - oder Rüstungs-Experimentierstation AEV - Panzer-Ingenieurfahrzeug AEW - Zerstreute Vorwarnung AFC - Streitkräfte-Rat oder Australisches Flying Corps oder Air Force Cross (Medaille) AFDE - Air Fighting Development Establishment AFDS - Air Fighting Development Squadron, Teil von CFE AFDU (S) - Air Fighting Development UnitSquadron AFE - Airborne Forces Establishment AFEE - Airborne Forces Experimentelle Gründung AFG - Air Forces Golf AFHQ - Airfield Headquarters AFM - Air Force Medaille AFRU - Advance Flying Refresher Einheit AFS - Fortgeschrittene Flying School AFS - Hilfskämpfer Squadron AFS (I) - Fortgeschrittene Flying School (Indien) AFS (ME) - Fortgeschrittene Flugschule (Mittlerer Osten) AFTCC - Air Force Troop Carrier Command AFTDU - Luftfahrt-Taktische Entwicklungseinheit AFTS - Fortgeschrittene Flying Training School AFTU - Fortgeschrittene Flying Trainingseinheit Air Firing Trainingseinheit AFU - Fortgeschrittene Flying Unit AFV - Armored Fighting Vehicle AFWE - Air Forces Westeuropa AG Air to ground AG - Air Gunner AGBS - Air Gunnery Bombardierungsschule AGC - Adjutant Generals Corps AGL - Air Gun Verlegung Bodenbezug AGME - Flugzeugpistolenmontage AGRMIS 8212Active Guard Reserve Management Informationssystem AGRS - Fortgeschrittene Ground Radio School AGRS - Air Ground Radio School AGS - Armament Gunnery Schule AGS - Air Gunners Schule oder Aircrew Grading School AGS (MEI) - Air Gunners Schule (Middle EastIndia) AGT - Air Work General Trading (Teil des CRO) AGT - Fortgeschrittene Gleitschulung (Air Cadets) AGTS - Air Graduate Training School AGU - AUTOAUSGABE - AIK - AIW - AIK - AIW - AIW - AIW - AIW - AIW - AIW - AIA Force AIFV - Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle AIRCOM 8211 Air Command (Airforce) AIS - Air Interception School AIT - Vereinbarung über den internen TradeAdvanced Infantry Training Fortgeschrittene Einzeltraining AITF - AI Trainingsflug AJAGs - Assistant Judge Advocates General AK 8211 Schiffsbezeichnung Schiffsbezeichnung AKA - Naval Amphibious Landing Supply Schiffsbezeichnung Auch bekannt als ALG - Advance Landing Ground ALICE 8212Allzweck Leichtgewichtige Individualtrageausrüstung ALS - Air Landing School (Indien) ALO - Air Liaison Officer AM - Air Marshal oder Air Ministry AMDP - Air Member für Entwicklungsproduktion AMES - Luftfahrtministerium AMESS - Air Ministry Experimentelle Station (Boden Radar Station) AMF 8211 Australische Militärkräfte AMMF - Luftministerium Meteorologischer Flug AMO - Luftfahrtauftrag oder Luftbewegung Bestellen AMOR - Jährliche Militärbesetzung Review AMSC - Fortgeschrittene Militärstudienkurs AMSDU - Luft Ministry Service Development Unit AMV 8211 Advanced Modular Vehicle AMWD - Air Ministry Works Abteilung ANBS - Air Navigation Bombardierung Schule ANCOC 8212Advanced Ungeordneten Offizier Kurs. (Ausgesprochenes ay-klopfen) ANGLICO - Luft - und Marinegewehrfeuer Liason Company ANS - Air Navigation School ANZAC - australische und neuseeländische Armeekorps AO 8212Accounts Büroakquisition Ziel Aktion Offizier Flugzeugbetreiber Oiler (laufende Nachschub) Verwaltungsbeauftragter Luftoffizier Einsatzgebiet Luftfahrtverordnung AOC - Air Officer Commanding Army Operations Kurs Air Operations Center Armee Operations Center AirOil Kühler Ansatz auf KursAviation Ordnance Chief Bereich der Konzentration AOCU - Andover Operational Conversion Unit AOD 8212Administrative Offizier des Tages AOG - Flugzeug auf dem Boden AONS - Air Beobachter Navigation Schule AOO (AO ) 812Arb von Operations Aviation Ordnance Officer AOP - Air Observation Post AOR - Verantwortungsbereich oder Hilfs-Oiler (Navy) Allowance Overrides Jährliche Betriebsanforderung AORG - Armee Operational Research Group AOS - Air Observers School AOTS - Aircrew Offiziere Training School AP - Aircraft Park oder Luftverkäufe Naval Transport für PersonalArmour Piercing APA - Auxiliary, Personal, Assault (Schiffsbezeichnung) APC - Panzerpersonal Carrier Rüstung Piercing (Capped) Projektil Akquisition Professionelle Community Beschleunigte Bereitstellung Konzepte Account Processing Code Aktivität Prozesscodes Agentur Programm Koordinator Air Project Koordinator Aerial Port Commander Air Program Coordinator Ansatz Power Compensator Ansatz Power Control Anfahrt Control Assistant Projektkoordinator. APCS - Aden Protektorat Kommunikation Squadron APCS SS - Aden Protektorat Control Support Squadron APDU - Air Photography Development Unit APDU - Flugzeug Vorbereitung Entwicklung Einheit APF - Air Pilotage Flug APFSDS 8212armour-piercing fin-stabilisierte Verwerfung Sabot projektbehälter APFT 8212Army Physical Fitness Test APS - Air Pilotage Schule oder Rüstungspraxis APSF - Aden Protectorate Unterstützung Flug APU - Flugzeug Vorbereitung Einheit AR 8211 Automatische Rifle Australian Regiment Administrative ReviewArmy Reserve AR Analyst - Administrative Review Analyst ARC - Aircrew Recruiting Center oder Aircrew Empfang Center ARCAM 8212Army Reserve Component Achievement Medaille ARCOM 8212Army Commendation Medal ARD - Flugzeug Reparatur Depot oder Alberta Regimental Depot ARF - Flugzeug Reparatur Flug oder Luft Radar Monteur ARFORGEN 8212Army Force Generation ARFF - Flugzeug Rettung Feuer Kämpfen ARMD - Armored, Armor Corps ARP - Flugzeug Reparatur Park ARRC - Associate Royal Red Cross ARS - Flugzeug Reparatur Abschnitt ARSOF 8212Army Spezial Operations Forces ARU - Flugzeug Reparatur Einheit ARV - Armored Recovery Vehicle Arty - Artillerie AS - Anti U-Boot AS - Air School ASRU - Aircraft Salvage Repair Unit ASAP - so bald wie möglichArmy gestrafft Akquisitionsprozess Armee Substanz Missbrauchsprogramm ASC - Aircrew Selection Center Air Support Befehlsbereich Support Group Army Service Corps ASCC 8212Army Service Component Command ASD - Flugzeug Versorgung Depot ASF - Air Survey Flug ASF - Flugzeug Service Flug ASI - Luftgeschwindigkeit Indikator Zusätzliche Skill Identifier (verwendet bei Das Ende eines MOS-Codes) Autorisierte Versandanweisungen ASOC 8212Air Support Operations Center ASP - Air Stores Park ASR - Air Sea Rescue ASRCF - Air Sea Rescue Kommunikation Flug ASRF - Air Sea Rescue Flug ASRTU - Air Sea Rescue Trainingseinheit ASS - Air Signals School AST - Air Service Training (CRO) Bereich Support Team ASTOR - Airborne Stand-Off Radar ASU - Area Support Unit oder Aircraft Storage Unit ASuW - Anti-Surface Warfare ASV - Airborne Surface Vessel, Radar für maritime Patrol Flugzeuge ASW - Anti-Submarine Warfare Durchschnittlicher Oberflächenwind ASWDU - Air-Sea Warfare Development Unit AT 8211 Verwaltung und Schulung AT - Anti-Tank ATA - Air Transport Auxiliary ATAF - Allied Tactical Air Force ATC - Flugsicherung ATC - Rüstungs Training Camp Air Training Corps (nach ADCC, 1941) ATDC (I) - Ihr Transport-Entwicklungszentrum (Indien) ATDF - Luftverkehrs-Entwicklungsflug ATDU - Luft-Torpedo-Entwicklungseinheit Luftfahrt-Entwicklungsabteilung ATF - Autogiro-Trainingsflug ATFERO - Atlantic Ferry Organisation ATGU - Aircrew Testing Grading Unit ATGW 8211 Anti-Tank-Waffe ATI - Zugang zum Informationsgesetz ATOC - Armee taktische Operationen Kurs ATOF - Armeeausbildung und Operations Framework ATP - Fortgeschrittene Trainingsumfrage oder Aircrew Transit Pool oder Air Transit Pool ATR - Anti Tank Rifle ATS - Auxiliary Territorial Service (Frauen) Rüstung TrainingsstationAir Training Squadron Att 8211 Attached Attachment ATTDU - Luftverkehr Taktische Entwicklung UnitArmament TrainingseinheitAircrew Transit UnitAir Trials Unit ATREL - Air Transportable Reconnaissance Exploitation Laboratory ATU - Armament TrainingseinheitAircrew Transit UnitAir Trials UnitAdvanced Trainingsgerät AUAS - Aberdeen University Air Squadron AUBDS - Anti U-Boot Geräte Schule ausf - ausfuhrung - model092mark der geräte - Ger. AV 8211 Aviation Support oder Seaplane Tender Schiffsbezeichnung AVF - All-Volunteer Force AVG - Amerikanische Volunteer Group AVGP - Panzerfahrzeug Allzweck AVLB - Panzerfahrzeug gestartete Brücke AVM - Air Vice Marschall AVRE - Assault Fahrzeug Royal Ingenieure AW - Armstrong Whitworth AWDS - Alle Wetterentwicklung Squadron AWF - Air Wireless Fitter oder Air Warfare Center oder All Weather Flight AWFCS - All Weather Fighter Conversion Squadron AWL - Abwesend ohne Verlassen AWOCU - All Weather Operational Conversion Unit AWOL 8211 Abwesend ohne (offiziellen) Leave AWACS 8211 Airborne Warning And Control Systems AWR 8212Air Würdigkeitsfreigabe AWRE - Atomwaffenforschungsinstitut AWWC - Fortgeschrittener Winterkriegsverlauf ASLt - Stellvertretender Unterleutnant Herausgegeben von Spartanroller, 14. November 2010 - 12:30 Uhr. Wie dies im Gegensatz zu Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 BABS - Blind (Beam) Approach Beacon System BAC - British Air Commission Basic Airborne Course BC - Barrack Bekleidung BACB - British Air Command Berlin BACF - Beam Approach Kalibrierflug BADU - Blind, später Beam Approach Development Unit BAe - Britische Luftfahrt BAFF - Britische Luftwaffe in Frankreich BAFO - Britische Luftwaffe der Besatzung BAFSEA - Britische Luftwaffe Südostasien TASCHEN 8211 Bombardierung und Luftschützer BAH - Grundbedarf für Wohnungswesen (früher BAQ) BANS - Grundlegende Flugschulschule BAOR 8211 Britische Armee des Rheins BAQ - Grundbedarf für Quartale Grundlegende Flugzeugqualifikation BAR - Bräunung Automatisches Gewehr BARU - British Airways Reparatureinheit oder Basis Flugzeug Reparatur Einheit BAS - Beam Anfahrt Schule BASHEDS Bomber Airborne Unterstützung Schwere Ausrüstung Dropping Squadron BAT - Beam (ursprünglich Blind ) Ansatz BATDU - Blind Approach Trainingsentwicklungseinheit BATF - Beam (ursprünglich blind) Anfahrt Trainingsflug BATTS - Beam Approach Technische Schulung BB - Zwei Buchstabenbezeichner für ein Schlachtschiff. BBCS - BengalBurma Kommunikation Squadron BBBLEAU - Bombe Ballistik Blind Landung Experimentelle Air Unit BBOC brachte wieder auf Gebühr BBU - Bomb Ballistics Unit BC - Schlachtkapitän (Ops Officer) oder Batterie Commander (Artillerie) Bomber Command oder Basiskomponenten Schlachtkreuzer BCAir - British Commonwealth Air Component, Japan BCAS - Bomber Command Rüstungsschule BCATP - British Commonwealth Air Trainingsplan BCBS - Bomber Command Bombarding School BCCF (S) - Bomber Command Kommunikation Flug (Squadron) BCD 8212Bad führen Entlassung Binary-Coded Dezimal Schlachtfeld Koordination Detachment BCDU - Bomber Command Development Einheit BCFFU - Bomber Command Film Flight Unit BCHU - Bomber Command Holding Unit BCIREF Bomber Command Instrument Bewertung Untersuchen Flug BCIS - Bomber Command Instructors Schule BCJCF - Bomber Command Jet Conversion Unit BCMC - Bomber Command Modification Center BCOF - Britische Commonwealth Besatzung Kraft BCOL - Basis Koordinator Der offiziellen Sprachen BCRD - British Columbia Regimental Depot BCRS - Bomber Command Radar Schule BCT 8212Basic Kampf Training (vertraut Basic Training oder Basic), Brigade Combat Team (siehe auch HBCT, IBCT, SBCT) Beste konventionelle Technologie BCTAE - British Commonwealth Trans Antarktis Expedition Bde 8211 Brigade Bdr - Bombardier (Cpl in der Artillerie) BDR - Battle Damage Repair BDT - Bomber Defense Training BDTF - Bomber Defense Trainingsflug BDU - Battle-Dress Uniform oder Bombe Dummy Units oder Bombardierung Development Unit oder Bomber Development Unit oder Balloon Development Unit oder Bomb - Besatzungsgruppe BEF - Britische Expeditionskraft BER - Jenseits der ökonomischen Reparatur BEM - Britische Empire Medaille BEQ - Bachelor Enlisted Quarters BF - Bring Forward (platziert auf ein Dokument mit Datum der Clerk ist es, es aus den Dateien zurückzubringen) BFA - Blank Firing Attachment BFG 8211 Britische Streitkräfte in Deutschland BFPO 8211 Britische Streitkräfte BFT - Battle Fitness Test BFS - Britische Flying Trainingsschule BGF - Bombardierung Gunnery Flight BGS - Bombardierung Gunnery School BG - Battle Group BGen - Brigadegeneral BGHQ 8211 Battle Group Headquarters BGT - Basic Gleiten Training (Air Cadets) BHFU - BloodHound Zündanlage BHSU - BloodHound Stützeinheit BIQ - Basic Infanterie Qualifikation BK - Batterie Kapitän BLEU - Blind Landing Experimentelle Einheit BLS - Bombardierung Leaders School BMH 8211 Britisches Militärkrankenhaus BMQ - Grundlegende Militärqualifikation BMT - Basic Military Training (Vergangener Term für BMQ und QL2) Bn - Bataillon BNCOC 8212Befundunabhängiger Offizierskurs. (Ausgeprägte Biene: Klopfen) BNO 8212Bombadier Navigator Officer oder Beano BoB - Schlacht von Großbritannien BoBMF - Schlacht von Großbritannien Memorial Flight BOD - Board of Directors BOG 8212Beach Operations Group BOQ - Bachelor Offiziere39 Quartiere BOR - Bataillon Bestellender Raum BOS - Bataillon Bestellt Sergeant BOTC - Basic Officer Training Kurs BOTP - Basic Officer Trainingsprogramm BRCS - Britische Rote Kreuz Gesellschaft BRD - Base Repair Depot Brig - Brigade (Rang) - UK. Brigg. Gen. - Brigadegeneral (Rang) - US BRM 8212Basic Gewehr Treffsicherheit BRSC - Britische Hintere Unterstützungsbefehl BRTC - Grundlegende Rekrutenausbildung Kurs Br. CWO - Zweigstelle Chief Warrant Officer BPSO - Basispersonalauswahlbüro BSDU - Bomber Support Development Unit BSM - Batterie Sergeant Major BSRU - Basis Signal Radar Einheit BSTU - Bomber Support Trainingsgerät BT 8211 Bademthermograph BT - Bystrochodny Tankovy - Fast Tank - Rus. BTF - Bomber TowingTraining Flug Btn. - Bataillon - Ger. BTU - Bombardierungsversuche Einheit Bty 8211 Batterie BU - Aufgebaut BuOrd 8211 Bureau of Ordnance (US Navy Bureau) Bus - Zweisprachige Einheiten - Kanadische BQMS - Batterie Quartermaster Sergeant BW 8211 Gebäude arbeitet BWEO - Basis oder Wing Education Officer BWPSO - Base oder Wing Personal Selection Officer BWF - Bristol Wireless Flug BWT 8212Battlefield Wetter Team BX 8212Base eXchange. Air Force Name für einen PX BZ - (Bravo Zulu) Gute Arbeit oder gut gemacht Bearbeitet von Spartanroller, 13. November 2010 - 06:57 Uhr. Wie dies im Gegensatz zu Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 Kopie - Küsten-CSM - Blech Kupfer Smith CA - Regler, Flugzeug (Luftfahrt) Zivile AngelegenheitenHeavy Cruiser (Schiff) Küste ArtillerieCoastal Aviation CAAA - Küste Anti-Aircraft Artillerie CAACU - Zivile Anti-Aircraft-Kooperation Einheit CAB - Combat Aviation Brigade Kabine Zentralisierte Rechnungslegung Abrechnung (Navy) Vertrag Anpassung Board Kostenanalyse Kurze Kampf Aktion Abzeichen CAC 8211 Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation oder Coast Artillerie Kooperation oder Consolidated Aircraft Corporation oder Chrislea Aircraft Co. CACS - Central Air Command Abschnitt CACF - Küste Artillerie Kooperation Flug CACU - Küsten Artillerie Kooperation Einheit CAD 8211 Zentrale Munition Depot CADC - Kanadische Armee Dental Corps CADPAT - Kanadische Disruptive Pattern (Uniform Design) CAEU - Unfall Luft Evakuierungseinheit Cal Flt - Kalibrierung Flug CM - Pflege und Wartung Cam-Schiff - Katapult-Armed Merchant Ship Cam 8211 Camouflaged (Camo) CAMC - Kanadische Armee Medizinische Korps CAMO - Camouflage Einheit Kanada COM - Kanada Befehl CANCOM 8211 Kanada Befehl CANFORGEN - Kanadische Streitkräfte Allgemeine Bestellung CANLANDGEN - Land Force Allgemeine Nachricht CANSOFCOM - Kanadische Special Operations Forces Command Canex - Kanadische Streitkräfte Tausend CANS - Civil Air Navigation School CAP - Kampfluft Patrouille Kapitän CAPE - Korrektive Maßnahmen durch körperliche Bewegung CAPT - Zivile Angelegenheiten Planung Team CAO - Zivile Angelegenheiten Operations CAOC - Kanadische Armee Ordnance Corps CAOS - Kombinierte Luftbeobachter Schule Capt - Captain (Rang) Capt (Kapitän) - Captain (Navy), O-6 AUTO - Kanadische Luftfahrt-Regiment-KARTE - Zentrale Flugzeugreparatur Depot CAS - Chef der Flugpersonal oder Unfall CASC - Kanadische Armee Service Corps Casevac - Unfall-Evakuierung CASF - Kanadische aktive Dienstkräfte oder kanadische Armee Spezialkräfte CASTS - Kombinierte Anti-U-Boot-Taktische Schule CAT - Schaden Kategorie CAT - College of Air Training CATCS - Zentrale Flugsicherung Schule Cav - Kavallerie CAW - College of Air Ware Fahrpreis CB 8211 Schlachtkreuzer oder großer Kreuzer. CBCF - Küstenbatterie Kooperation Flug CBCS - Küstenbatterie Kooperationsschule CBD - Kanadische Basis Details CBE - Zentrale Bomber Establishment CBG - Kanadische Brigade Gruppe CBRN - Chemische, biologische, radiologische und nukleare Cbt Tm - Kampfteam CC - beschränkt auf Lager oder Fähigkeit Komponente Schlacht Crucer CCAPMF - Küstenkommando Aircraft Preparation Trainingseinheit CCCS 8211 Kanadische Unfall-Clearing-Station CCD - Kurskontrolle Dokument oder kanadische Rekonvaleszenz Depot CCDU - Küstenkommandative Entwicklungseinheit CCFATU - Küstenbefehl Kämpfer Zugehörigkeit Trainingseinheit CCP 8212Casualty Collection Point, Kommunikation Checkpoint CCRC - Combat Crew Replacement Center CCSDF - Küstenkommando Sonderdienste Flug CCFU - Überprüfen und Konversation FlightUnit CCGS - Coat Sal Command Gunnery School CC (F) IS - Küstenkommando (Flying) Instruktoren Schule CCLPP - Küstenbefehl Land Flugzeug Piloten Pool CCP 8211 Unfall Sammelpunkt CCPP - Küsten Command Preparation Pool CCPS - Zentrales Computation Pay System CCS 8211 Casualty Clearing Station CCTDU - Küstenbefehl Taktische Entwicklungseinheit CCTF - Küstenkommando Training FlightCombat Kairo Task Force Cd - Command CD - Coast Defense Kanadische Dekoration (Service Medaille) oder Zivilverteidigung CDA - Kanadische Verteidigung Akademie CDAC 8211 Kanadisches Divisionsmunition Depot CDC 8211 Kanadisches Dental Corps CDCF - Küstenkommando Kooperation Flug CDDU - Küstenverteidigungsentwicklungseinheit CDG - Croix de Guerre Cdr - Kommandant (Navalrang). O-5 CDS - Chef der Verteidigung Mitarbeiter CDSA - kontrollierte Drogen und Stoffe Act CE - kanadische Ingenieure CEDIT - Command Engineering Development Investigation Unit CEF - Unfall Verteidigung Flug oder kanadische Expeditionskraft (1914-1919) CEFCOM 8211 kanadischen Expeditionskraft Befehl CEOTP - Weiterführende Ausbildung Officer Trainingsplan CER - Combat Engineer Regiment CERD - Kanadischer Ingenieur Verstärkungsdepot CF - Kanadische Streitkräfte oder Kanadier Kämpfer oder Kommunikationsflug oder Umrechnungsflug (Nummer Präfix) CE Runde - Chemische Energie Runde CF 98 - Kanadische Streitkräfte bilden 98 - Bericht über Verletzungen CFH - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Kanadische Streitkräfte CFC - Zivilist Kämpfer Kontrolle Kooperation Flug CFCEP - Kanadische Streitkräfte Fortsetzung Bildungsprogramm CFCF - Kanadische Streitkräfte Zentralfonds CFCS 8211 Kanadische Streitkommunikation System oder Zentrale Kämpfer Control School CFCSC - Kanadische Streitkräfte Kommando und Staff College (in Toronto) CFDCP - Kanadische Streitkräfte Drug Control Programm CFE - kanadische Kräfte EuropeCentral Kämpfer EstablishmentConventional Forces Europa (Vertrag) CFEWC - Kanadische Streitkräfte Electronic Warfare Center. Ein Shirleys Bay außerhalb von Ottawa. CFF - Kombinierte Kräfte in Frankreich CFFM - Kanadische Streitkräfte Feuerwehrmann CFFTS - Kanadische Streitkräfte Trainingsschule CFHA - Kanadische Kräfte Wohnungsagentur CFI - Chief Flying Instructor oder Chief Flight Instructor oder Kommunikation Flug Irak CFIP - Kommunikation Flug Irak Persien CFIOG - Kanadische Streitkräfte Information Operations Gruppe CFITES - kanadische Streitkräfte CFK - kanadische Streitkräfte Finanzkriminalität CFM - kanadische Streitkräfte - kanadische Streitkräfte - kanadische Streitkräfte Polizeiakademie CFMS 8211 Kanadische Streitkräfte Medizinischer Dienst Cfn - Handwerker, Ein Privat in jedem 400er Handel (VehTech, Wpns Tech, FCS Tech, Mat Tech) CFN - Kanadische Streitkräfte Zeitung CFNCIU - Kanadische Streitkräfte Nationale Counter Intelligence Unit CFNES - Kanadische Streitkräfte Naval Ingenieurschule CFNIS - Kanadische Streitkräfte Nationaler Untersuchungsdienst CFP - Kanadische Streitkräfte Publikation: Ein kanadisches Militärbuch oder PAM. CFPF - kanadische Streitkräfte der kanadischen Streitkräfte CFPO - kanadische Streitkräfte CFPP - kanadische Streitkräfte CFPP - kanadische Streitkräfte - Gipfeltreffen - kanadische Streitkräfte Piloten Pool CFPSA - kanadische Streitkräfte Personalagentur CFR - kanadische Streitkräfte Registrierung (Fahrzeuge Nummernschild Nummer) oder Inbetriebnahme von Rängen CFRC - kanadische Streitkräfte Recruiting Center CFRETS - kanadische Streitkräfte Recruiting, Bildungs-und Ausbildungssystem CFRG - kanadische Streitkräfte Recruiting-Gruppe CFRIMS - kanadische Streitkräfte Ressourcen Informations-Management-System CF (S) - Kommunikations-Flug (Squadron) CFS - Kanadische Streitkräfte Station oder Central Flying School CFSAL - Kanadische Streitkräfte Schule für Verwaltung und Logistik CFSATS - Kanadische Streitkräfte Kleine Waffen Trainer Simulator CFSCE - Kanadische Streitkräfte Schule für Kommunikation und Elektronik CFSD - kanadische Kräfte Versorgung Depot CFSEME - kanadische Kräfte Schule für Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau CFSME - kanadische Kräfte Schule der militärischen Technik CFSO - kanadische Kräfte Ergänzende Aufträge CFTO - kanadische Kräfte technische Bestellung CFUnit - Camouflage FlightUnit CFWD - Kommunikation Flug Western Wüste CGA - kanadische Garnison Artillerie CGH - Kanadisches Allgemeinkrankenhaus CGIS - Zentrale Gleitschullehrerin CGM - Auffällige Gallantry-Medaille CGMF - Zentrale Segelflugzeugwartung Flug CGN - Kreuzer, Geführte Raketen, Nukleare CGR - Kanadische Garnisonsregiment CGS - Zentrale Gunnery School oder Zentrale Gleitschule oder Chef des Generalstabes CHRC - kanadische Menschenrechtskommission CHRCC - Zivile Personalplanung und Koordinationsausschuss CHRSC - Kette Kette - Kette Kette - Kadette Belästigung und Missbrauch Prävention CHEL - Kette Startseite Extra Niedrig (Radar) CHL - Kette Home Niedrig (Radarkette CHRC - Zivil-Humanressourcen-Service-Zentren CIBG - Kanadische Infanterie-Brigade-Gruppe CIC - Cadet-Instruktoren Cadre Combat-Informationszentrum CIG 8211 Chief Instructor in Gunnery CinC 8211 Kommandant im Chief CINCPACFLT 8211 Kommandant im Chief, Pacific Flotte CITC 8211 Kanadisches Infanterie-Trainingszentrum CJTF - Kombinierte gemeinsame Task Force CL - Casualty ListLight Cruiser (Schiff) CLAM - Kampfbefreiungsarmee von Meaford CLE - Zentrale Landung Establishment CLFCSC - Kanadische Landmacht Kommando und Staff College (befindet sich in Kingston, ON) CLH 8211 Kanadisches Lichtpferd CLS - Chef des Landstabs oder Zentrals Landwirtschaftslehre CM - Karriere Manager oder Hof Martial CMBG - Kanadische Mechanisierte Brigade Gruppe Cmd - Kommando CMD - Konventionelle Munition Entsorgung Cmdre - Commodore CME - Kanadischer Militäringenieur CMF - Zentrale Mittelmeer CMGC - Kanadische Maschinengewehr Korps CMIS - Karriere Management Informationssystem CMJ - Chief Military Judge CMP - Chef des Militärpersonals oder Korps der Militärpolizei CMPA - Kanadische Militärpolizei Vereinigung CMR - Kanadische Montierte Gewehre CMS - Chef der Maritime Mitarbeiter CMTC 8211 Kanadisches Manöver Trainingszentrum CMU - Zivile Instandhaltungseinheit CNCS - Zentrale Navigation Control School CNF - Commonwealth Naval Forces CNS - Zentrale Navigation Schule CNVTS - Zentrale Nachtsichtungsschule CO - Kommandierende Offizier (kann auch OC) oder Kette Übersee (Übersee Version von CH) COA - Kurs der Maßnahme COD - Befehlsverordnung Depot C von I - Gerichtshof Anfrage COI - Interessenkonflikt COIN - Counter-Insurgency Operations Col. 8211 Colonel COM 8211 Commodore, Marine-Titel an einen, der kein Admiral ist, der Captains Comd befiehlt. 8211 Commander oder Command COMINT - Communications Intelligence Comm (s) Kommunikation Z 8211 Communications Zone Compo 8211 Composite Ration (auch Comp rat genannt) COMSEN 8211 Kommunikationszentrum COMSOWESPAC - Kommandant, Süd Westpazifik COMSUBPAC 8211 Kommandant, U-Boote, Pazifik COMSUBSOWESPAC 8211 Kommandant, U-Boote, Süd-West-Pazifik Con-Convoy Control (Inspektion Schiffe Kontrollen) Conv 8211 Conversion Coord 8211 Koordinaten CORD - Zentrales Ontario Regimental Depot COTU - Küsten Operational Training Unit COS - Chef des Stabes oder Unternehmen Ordnungsgemäße Sergeant oder Änderung von Starke Coy - Unternehmen CP - Beratung und Probation CP - Command Post oder Close Protection CPC 8211 Kanadisches Postkorps CPE - Zentrale fotografische Einrichtung CPF - Kanadische Patrouille Fregatte. (Halifax Class) or Coastal Patrol Flight Cpl 8211 Corporal CPO 8211 Chief Petty Officer (Navy Rank) or Command Pay Office CPO1 - Chief Petty Officer 1st Class CPO2 - Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class CPPR - Civilian Performance Planning and Review Cpt. - CaptainCaptured CQMS - Company Quartermaster Sergeant CRB - Career Review Board CRC - Control and reporting center CRCR - Canadian Reserve Cavalry Regiment CRD - Controller of Research Development CRDF - Cathode Ray Direction Finding CRE - Central Reconnaissance EstablishmentCommander, Royal EngineersChief Royal Engineer CRF - Controller of Research Development CRO - Central Records Office or Civilian Repair Organization CRP - Civilian Repair Party CRPG - Canadian Ranger Patrol Group CRS - Chief Review Services or Control and Reporting School CRT - Canadian Railway TroopsCathode Ray Tube CRU - Civilian Repair Unit CS(A) - Controller of Supply (Air) CSD - Code of Service Discipline CSDE - Central Servicing Development Establishment Cse 8211 Course CSE - Central Signals Establishment CSF - Central Signals Establishment or Communications and Support Flight CSIS - Canadian Security and Intelligence Service CSM - Company Sergeant Major CSOR - Canadian Special Operations Regiment CSPDE - Combined services Project Development Unit CSR - Combat Stress Reaction CSS Communications and Support Squadron Combat Service Support C Sups 8211 Combat Supplies C SCOT R - Canadian Scottish Regiment. A Reserve Infantry Regiment on Vancouver Island. CSU - Communications and Support Unit CT - Component Transfer CTC 8211 Canadian Training Centre CTF - Combined Task Force (refers to a multi-national TF) CTO - Compensated Time Off CTP 8211 Commonwealth Training Plan (aka BCATP) or Course Training Plan CTS - Combat Training School or Clothe The Soldier CTTS - Communications Target-towing Squadron or Civilian Technical Training School CTU - Combat Training Unit or Crew Training Unit CTW - Combat Training Wing CU - Conversion Unit or Camouflage Unit or Communications Unit Cu - Converted CV - Common Valve or Combat VehiclesAircraft Carrier(ship) CVE 8211 Escort (or 8220jeep8221) aircraft carrier CVD 8211 Central Vehicle Depot CVL 8211 Light aircraft carrier CVN - Aircraft Carrier, Nuclear CW - Communication Wing or Chemical Warfare CWAC - Canadian Women39s Army Corps CWAC ACCOMM - Canadian Women39s Army Corps Accommodations CWGC - Commonwealth War Graves Commission CWO - Chief Warrant Officer CWP - Contractor39s Working Party CWRO 8211 Canadian War Records Office CZP - Correct Zeroing Point CzTU - Czechoslovak Training Unit Edited by Spartanroller, 14 November 2010 - 08:25 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 D Cdts - Directorate of Cadets D Dent Svcs - Director Dental Services D Env P - Director, Environmental Protection D Fin Ops - Directorate Financial Operations D Law HR - Director Law Human Resources D Law MJPR - Director Law Military Justice Policy and Research D Law I - Director of Law International D LawMil Per - Director of LawMilitary Personnel D Mar Pers - Directorate of Maritime Personnel D Med Pol - Director Medical Policy D Med Svcs - Director Medical Services D Mil C - Director Military Careers D Pub Pol - Directorate of Public Policy DAC 8211 Divisional Ammunition Company DAF - Desert Air Force DAFTF - Desert Air Force Training Flight DAIP - Director Access to Information and Privacy DAOD - Defense Administration Orders and Directives DAPPP - Director Accounts Processing, Pay and Pensions DART - Disaster Assistance Response Team DATCO - Deputy Air Traffic Controller DBF - Destroyed By Fire DBR - Damaged Beyond Repair DC Pol - Directorate Contracting Policy DCCL - Director, Claims and Civil Litigation DCCO - Director Civilian Classification and Organization DCDS - Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff DCEP - Director Civilian Employment Policies DCHRHP - Director of Civilian Human Rights and Harassment Programs DCIEM - Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine. DCM 8211 Distinguished Conduct Medal DCO - Deputy Commanding Officer or Duty Carried Out DCOS - Deputy Chief of Staff DCSA - Directorate Casualty Support and Administration DD - Destroyer (ship) DD214 - DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty - US. archives. rdsdd-214.html DDDO - Direction for Domestic Operations DDG - Destroyer, Guided Missile DDH - Destroyer, Helicopter carrying DDL - Destroyer Deck Landings DDR - East Germany Deutsche Democratic Republic - also GDR DDSAL - Director of Disposals, Sales, Artifacts and Loans DE - Destroyer Escort (ship) DECPR - Director, External Communications and Public Relations Def 8211 Defence DelDly - Delivery DEO - Direct Entry Officer DEOP - Direct entry officer plan DEP - Delayed Entry Program or Director Ethics Program Det 8211 Detachment or Detached Dett - Detachment (detachment to another unit or Squadron) DEU - Distinctive Environmental Uniform DEW - Distant Early Warning (The DEW-line radar system) DEW Line 8211 Distant Early Warning Line DF - Direct Finding (Station) DF 8211 Defensive Fire DFC - Distinguished Flying Cross DFCS - Day Fighter Combat School, part of CFE DFLS - Day Fighter Leaders School DFM - Distinguished Flying Medal DFPP - Director of Financial Policy and Procedures DFS - Direct Fire Support DG Cond Svc - Director General Conditions of Service DG Int - Director General Intelligence DGA - Director General of Aviation DGADR - Director General Alternative Dispute Resolution DGCESP - Director General Civilian Employment Strategies and Programs DGE - Director General Environment DGEPS - Director General Equipment Program Services DGER - Director General Employee Relations DGFDA - Director General Force Development Analysis DGHS - Director General Health Services. DGIIP - Director General International and Industry Programs DGLPD - Director General Learning and Professional Development DGLRC - Director General Labour Relations and Compensation DGMC - Director General (Military Careers) DGNS - Director General Nuclear Safety DGPA - Director General (Public Affairs) DGPGP - Director General Personnel Generation Policy DGRC - Director General (Reserves and Cadets) DGRD - Director General of Research Development DGSP - Director General (Strategic Planning) DHFS - Defence Helicopter Flying School DHH - Directorate of History and Heritage DHO - Director of Health Operations DHRD - Director Human Rights and Diversity DHRIM - Directorate Human Resources Information Management. (The PeopleSoft people.) DI - Drill Instructor or Daily Inspection (This was done every morning on equipment) DICASS - Directional Command Activated Sonobouy System. DIFAR - Directional Frequency Analisys and Recording. DIHRS - Defence Integrated Human Resource System DIMSP - Directorate Information Management Strategic Planning DIN - Defence Information Network DIP - Director Intellectual Property DIRPR - Director Information Resource Plans and Regulation Disb 8211 Disbanded DISO - Defence Information Services Organization DJAG - Deputy Judge Advocate General DKiG - DeutscheKreuz im Geld - German Cross in Gold DKIM - Director Knowledge and Information Management DL - Distributed Learning DLBMFood S - Director Logistics Business ManagementFood Services DLBMTM - Director Logistics Business ManagementTransportation Management DLPDPS - Director Learning and Professional Development Programs and Services DLPDSP - Director Learning and Professional Development Strategies and Policies DLRPP - Director Labour Relations Policies and Programs DM - Deputy Minister DMASP - Director Materiel Acquisition and Support Programme DMC - Defence Management Committee DMCARM - Director Military Careers Administration and Resource Management DME - Distance Measuring Equipment DMFS - Directorate Military Family Services Dml 8211 Demolition DMMD - Director Materiel Management Distribution DMPD - Director, Management Policy Development DMPP - Director Materiel Policy and Procedures DNCO 8211 Duty Not Carried Out or Did Not Complete Operation DND - Department of National Defence DO - Duty Officer or Daily Order DOB - Date of Birth or Deployed Operating Base DOL - Director Official Languages DOS SJS - Director of Staff, Strategic Joint Staff D of W 8211 Died of Wounds DoW 8211 Died of Wounds DP - Development Period officer and NCM careers are divided into Developmental Periods DPDT - Director Plans, Doctrine and Training DPE - Directorate of Physical Education DPFL - Directorate Protocol and Foreign Liaison DPM - Deputy Provost Marshal DQA - Director Quality Assurance DQOL - Director Quality of Life DRET - Directorate of Recruiting, Education and Training DRSO - Daily Range Standing Order DS - Directing Staff DSA - Director Senior Appointments DSCDS - Defence Subject Classification and Disposition System DSCES - Director Strategic Communications and Executive Services DSCO - Director Supply Chain Operations DSEI - Directorate of Special Examinations and Inquiries DSM - Drill Sergeant Major DSO - Distinguished Service Order DTD - Directorate of Technical Development or Director of Technical Development (Air Ministry) DTEO - Defence Test Evaluation Organization DTEP - Director Training and Education Policy DTG 8211 Date Time Group DTMS - Defence Terminology Management System DTN - Defence Teleprinter Network DTSES - Directorate Telecommunications and Spectrum Engineering and Support DUAS - Durham University Air Squadron DVA - Department of Veteran Affairs Dvr 8211 Driver DWAN - Defence Wide Area Network DWI - Directional Wireless Installation (Magnetic Minesweepers) Edited by Spartanroller, 14 November 2010 - 08:20 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 EAAS - Empire Air Armament School EAC - Eastern Air Command EAF - East Africa Flight EANS - Empire Air Navigation School EAOS - Elementary Air Observer School EASSU - Enemy Aircraft Storage Servicing Unit EATS - Empire Air Training Scheme EBTS - Elementary and Basic Training School (Coastal Command) EC - Escadrille de Chasse (Small French Fighter Unit) ECC - Equipment Configuration Code ECS - Environmental Chiefs of Staff ECDU - Electronic Countermeasures Development Unit or Engine Control Demonstration Unit ECFS - Empire Central Flying School Ech 8211 Echelon ECI - Engineer Control Instructors ECM - Electronic Countermeasures ECU - Electronic Countermeasures Unit ECV - Escort Carrier (ship) ED - Equivalency Database or Environmental Directive EDT - Exempt From Drill and Training EDD - Equipment Disposal Unit EdO - Education Objective EDP 8211 Emergency Defence Plan EFS - Empire Flying School EFTS - Elementary Flying Training School EGS - Elementary Gliding School EGTS - Elementary Glider Training School EIS - Equipment Issue Scale EL - Eichenlaub - Oak Leaves (supplement to German decorations esp. Knight39s Cross) - Ger. ELG - Emergency Landing Ground ELINT - Electronic Intelligence ELOC - Essential Level of Capability ELUs - English Language Units EMCS - Eastern Mediterranean Communication Flight EME - Electrical Mechanical Engineer EMUAS - East Midlands University Air Squadron En 8211 Enemy Eng 8211 English Engr 8211 Engineer ENS 8211 Ensign (naval rank), O-1 EO - Enabling Objective EOD 8211 Explosive Ordnance Disposal EORD 8211 Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot EOWS - Elementary Observer Wireless School EP - Equipment Park Eqpt 8211 Equipment ERP - Emergency Response Plans ERPT - Emergency Response Planning Team ERS - Empire Radio School or Engine Repair Section ERFTS - Elementary Reserve Flying Training School ESR - Engineer Support Regiment ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival ETO - European Theatre of Operations ETPS - Empire Test Pilots School EU - Equipment Unit EUAS - Edinburgh University Air Squadron Evd - Evaded Capture EWAU - Electronic Ware fare Avionics Unit EWETU - Electronic Ware fare Experimental Training Unit EW - Electronic Warfare or Early Warning EWS - Electrical Wireless School EWS - Emergency Water Supply EX 8211 Exercise or Executive Group Edited by Spartanroller, 14 November 2010 - 08:22 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 F1A - Fitter I (Airframes) F1E - Fitter I (Engines) F2A - Fitter II (Airframes) F2E - Fitter II (Engines) FAA - Fleet Air Arm or Financial Administration Act FAC 8211 Forward Air Controller FAE 8211 Fitter Aero Engines FAM - Financial Administration Manual FAP - First Aid Post FAGS - Fleet Aerial Gunners School FATU - Flight Affiliation Training Unit or Fighter Armament Training Unit FB - Fire Base FBDF - Flying Boat Development Flight F-BFTS - France-Belgium Flying Training Unit FBO - Fixed Base Operations FBS - Flying Boat School FBSU - Flying Boat Servicing Unit FBSU - Flying Boat Servicing Unit FC - Ferry ControlFighter CommandFlying Control FCCRS - Fighter Command Control Reporting School FCCSF Fighter Command Communication SquadronFlight FCCU - Fighter Control Cooperation Unit FCIRSF - Fighter Command Instrument Rating SquadronFlight FCITFS - Fighter Command Instrument Training Flight. Squadron FCMPC - Fighter Command Missile Practice Camp FCP - Family Care Plan FCPU - Ferry Command Preparation Unit FCRS - Fighter Command Radar School FCS - Fighter Command School FCS - Facility Checking Squadron FCTU - Fighter Command Trials Unit Fd Engr - Field Engineer FDF - Fighter Defence Unit FDS - Field Dressing Station FE - Flight Engineer F E - Furniture and Effects FE - Far East FEAF - Far East Air Force FEAFES - Far East Air Force Examination Squadron FEBA 8211 Forward Edge Battle Area FECEF - Far East Casualty Evacuation Unit FEE - Fighter Experimental Establishment FEE Op - Field Engineer Equipment FEFEW - Far East Flying Boat Wing FEO - Fire Effects ObserverOfficer FES 8211 Flight Engineer School or Field Engineering Squadron FETDU - Far East Tactical Development Unit FETS - Far East Training Squadron FETW - Far East Training Wing FF - Fighter FlightFerry FlightFree French FFAF - Free French Air Force FFDPF - Free French Desert Patrol Flight FFE - Fire for Effect FFFF - Free French Fighter Flight FFH - Frigate, Helicopter. A Frigate type vessel with Helicopter(s) as its primary armament FFI - Free From Infection FF PFMP - Fire Fighters Physical Fitness Maintenance Program FFP - Final Firing Position Fg - Frigate FHP - Force Health Protection FIBUA - Fighting In Built Up Areas FIDO - Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation F I DSU - Fighter Interception Development SquadronUnit Fin - Financial Fin O - Financial Officer FIS - Flying Instructors School FIU - Fighter Interception Unit Fj - Fallschirmjger - Paratrooper - Ger. FL - Flight Lieutenant FLAK - Flieger abwehr kanone - Anti-aircraft gun - Ger. (also the fire from one) FLET 8211 Forward Location Enemy Troops FLOT 8211 Forward Location Own Troops or Flotilla (Flot) FLS - Fighter Leaders School Flt - Flight FLUs - French Language Units FM - Frequency Modulation (radio transmission type and sonar signal type) FMA - Flight Mechanic Airframes FMAS - Financial and Managerial Accounting System FMC 8211 Force Mobile Command FME - Flight Mechanic Engines Fmm 8211 Formation FMP - Field Message Pad FMS - Facilities Management Squadron or Field Maintenance Squadron FSMO - Full Service Marching Order FO - Flying Officer FOA - Field Operations Allowance FOB - Forward Operating Base FOO - Forward Observation Officer FOUO 8211 For Official Use Only FP - Ferry Pool FPF - Final Protective Fire FPP - Ferry Pilots Pool FPU - Ferry Preparation Unit or Film Production Unit FR - Fighter Reconnaissance FRD - Forward Repair Depot FrKptn - Fregattenkapitan - Frigate Captain (approx senior grade Naval Commander) - Ger. FRS - Flying Refresher School FRT 8211 Forward Repair Team FRU - Field Repair UnitFleet Requirements Unit FS - Flight Sergeant FS - Fighting School FSAFG - Fleet School of Aerial Fighting Gunnery School FSDS - Fighter Support Development Squadron FSP - Forward Staging Post FSS - Ferry Support Squadron or Flying Selection Squadron FSTS - Fire and Security Training School FSTU - Fighter Support Training Unit FTC - Flying Training Command FTCPF - Flying Training Command Practice Flight FTFU - Ferry Training FlightUnit FTFlt - Ferry Training Flight FTLU - French Tactical Liaison Unit FTR - Failed to Return FTS - Flying Training School FTU - Ferry Training UnitFloatplane Training UnitFlight Trials Unit FU - Ferry Unit Fuh. - Fuehrer - Leader - Ger. FUP 8211 Forming Up Point (or Position) FWS - Fighter Weapons School Fw. - Feldwebel - Sergeant - Ger. Fw. - Focke Wulfe (Ger. aircraft manufacturer) Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:01 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 GATES - German Army Training Establishment Shilo GATU - Ground Attack Training Unit GC - Group Captain GC - Gliding Centre or Groupe de Chasse or Good Conduct GCA - Ground Controlled Approach GCAOS - Ground Controlled Approach Operation School GCAS - Ground Controlled Approach Squadron GCATU - Ground Controlled Approach Training Unit GC badge 8211 Good Conduct Badge GCCS - Global Command and Control System (Maritime) GCF - Gunnery Co-operation FlightGroup Communication Flight GCHQ - Government Communications HQ GCI - Ground Controlled Interception GCS - Ground Controlled Squadron GCT - Ground Combat Training GD - General Duties GD - Grossdeutschland - Greater Germany (the state) GD Division - Ger. GDC - Group Disbandment Centre GDGS - Group Defence Gunnery School GDP 8211 General Defence Plan GE - George Cross GED - Ground Equipment Depot or General Educational Development Gefr. - Gefreiter - Private soldier rank (approx) - Ger. Gen - General Genlt - Generalleutnant - Lieutenant General - Ger. GenMaj - Generalmajor - Major General - Ger. GEP - General Equipment Park GES - Glider Exercise Squadron GEU - Glider Exercise Unit GFM - Generalfeldmarschall - Field Marshall - Ger. GG - Ground Gunnery GGS - Ground Gunnery School GI - Ground Instructional GIC - Gliding Induction Course (Air Cadets) GIF - Glider Instructors Flight GIP - Grid Intersecting Point GIS - Glider Instructors School GL - Gun Laying (radar) GMC - General Military Course Gnd - ground Gnr - Gunner (private in artillery) (G) OTU - Glider Operational Training Unit GoC - Government of Canada GOC - General Officer Commanding Gp - Group GP - General Purpose GP CF - Group Conversion Flight GPDA - Group Disposal Account (book-keeping exercise for damaged aircraft) GPEU - Glider Pilot Exercise Unit GPIS - Glider Pilot Instructors School GPMG 8211 General Purpose Machine Gun GPO - Gun Position Officer GPS 8211 Global Positioning System GPUTF - Glider Pick-up Training Unit GPR - Glider Pilot Regiment GQA - Government Quality Assurance GR - General reconnaissance GRANS - General Reconnaissance and Air Navigation School GRF - Ground Radar Fitter GRICS - Ground Radio Installation Clearance Service (security clearance for visitors) Grfaz - Der grte Generall und Feldherr aller Zeiten - The greatest General and Field Commander of all time - Sly nickname for Hitler - Ger. GRS - General Reconnaissance School GRSF - Ground Radio Servicing Flight GRSS - Ground Radio Servicing Squadron GRU - General Reconnaissance Unit GRUF - General Reconnaissance UnitFlight GS - Gliding School or General Specification or Grading School GSE - Glider Servicing Echelon GSF - Glider Servicing Flight GSP - Government Security Policy GSU - Group Support Unit GSW 8211 Gunshot Wound GTF - Gunnery Training Flight GTPS - Glider Tug Pilots School GTS - Glider Training Squadron or Glider Training School GU - Grading Unit GUAS - Glasgow University Air Squadron GWDS - Guided Weapon Development Squadron GWF - Ground Wireless Fitter Edited by Spartanroller, 09 November 2010 - 02:42 PM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 HAA 8211 Heavy Anti Air HAAPC - Heavy antiaircraft Practice Camp HAD - Home Aircraft Depot HATS - Hull, Armament, Turret, Suspension HAZMAT - Hazardous Material (HB) - Heavy Bomber (HB)CU - (Heavy Bomber) Conversion Unit HB 8211 Hostile Battery HCA - Health Care Administrator HCCS - Home Command Communications Squadron HCEU - Home Command Examining Unit HCF - Helicopter Communications Flight or Home Communications Flight HCU - Heavy Conversion Unit HD - Home Defence Hdlg Sqn - Handling Squadron HDU - Helicopter Development Unit HE - High Explosive Home Establishment (movements) HEAT 8211 High Explosive Anti Tank Hel 8211 Helicopter HEMTT 8211 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck HFDF - High Frequency Direction Finding (Huff-Duff) HFF - Heavy Freight Flight HFU - Home Ferry Unit HGCU - Heavy Glider Conversion Unit HGMU - Heavy Glider Maintenance Unit HGSU - Heavy Glider Servicing Unit HGTU - Heavy Glider Training Unit HHT - House Hunting Trip HKAAF - Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force HKFS - Hong Kong Fighter Squadron HKVA - Hong Kong Volunteer Air Force HLVW - Heavy Lift Vehicle, Wheeled or Heavy Logistics Vehicle Wheeled HM 8211 HerHis Majesty HMCS - Her Majesty39s Canadian Ship HMG - Heavy Machine Gun HMS - HisHer Majesty39s Ship (UK) HMT - HisHer Majesty39s Transport Ship H. O.R. - Hooven-Owens-Rentscher Ohio US submarine engine manufacturer. HptFw. - Hauptfeldwebel - Sergeantmajor (approx) - Ger. Hptm. - Hauptmann - Captain - Ger. HQ - Headquarters HQ AC - Headquarters Air Cadets HQ ATA - Headquarters Air Transport Auxiliary HQ EFT - Headquarters Elementary Flying Training HQ FPP - Headquarters Ferry Pilots Pool HQ PSS - Headquarters Provost Security Services (39Snowdrops39) HQ PTC - Headquarters Personnel Training Command HQ STC - Headquarters Strike Command HQ TAF - Headquarters Tactical Air Force HQME - Headquarters Middle East HQTTCPS - Headquarters Technical Training Command Publicity Section HR - Human Resources HRG - Historical Research Group HRMS - Human Resources Management System HS Flt - High Speed Flight HSO - Health Services Officer HST - High Speed Telegraphist HT - Half Track HTCU - Heavy Transport Conversion Unit (HTS)CU - (Heavy Transport Support) Conversion Unit HUA 8211 Heard, Understood, Acknowledged HUMINT - Human Intelligence (information collected from a human source) Hy - Heavy Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:02 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 (I) - India IA - Immediate Action IAAD - Inland Area Aircraft Depot IAAS - Inland Area Aircraft School IAF - Indian Air Force IAFVR - Indian Air Force Volunteer Reserve IAMUS - Installation Automated Manpower Utilization System IAP - Initial Assessment Phase IAPF - Inland Area Practice Flight IAvMed - Institution of Aviation Medical CCF Iraq Command Communication Flight IAW - In Accordance With (reference) IBTS - Individual Battle Task Standards ic - In charge IC - Incident Commander ICC - Input Control Centre ICFS - Italy Communication FlightSquadron IDF - Iraq Defence Flight IE - Initial Establishment or Intermediate Engagement IED - Improvised Explosive Device IFCCS - Indirect Fire Control Computer Software IFCS - Integrated Fire Control System IFDU - Intensive Flying Development Unit IFF - Identification Friend or Foe IFIS - Irish Flying Instructors School IFS - Instrument Flying Squadron IFSAC - International Fire Service Accreditation Congress IFTS - Initial Flying Training School IFTU - Instrument Flying Training UnitIntensive Flying Trials Unit IGT - Initial Gliding Training (Air Cadets) IJA 8211 Imperial Japanese Army. IJN 8211 Imperial Japanese Navy. ILF - Independent Liaison Flight ILP - Individual Learning Plan ILS - Instrument Landing System IMD - Information Management Directive IMP - Individual Meal Packets Int 8211 Intelligence Internedintegralinternal Int O - Intelligence Officer Int Op - Intelligence Operator Int Sum 8211 Intelligence Summary IoM - Isle of Man IO - Intelligence Officer IO 8211 Intelligence Officer IP - Intellectual property IR - Immediate Reserve or Individual Reservist IRF - Independent Reconnaissance Flight IRG - Immediate Replenishment Group IRIS - Inspector of Radio Installation Services IRRU - Instant Readiness Reserve Unit IRSU - Immediate Reserve Support Unit IRU - Immediate Reaction Unit IS 8211 Internal Security ISAF - International Security Assistance Force ISC 8211 Infantry Section Carrier ISCC - Infantry Section Commander39s Course ISF - Internal Security Flight ISTAR - Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ITE - Individual Training and Education ITFS - Instrument Raining FlightSquadron ITS - Initial Training School ITW - Initial Training Wing IW 8211 Individual Weapon Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:03 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 J3 - Joint Staff 3 (Operations and Training) JAG - Judge Advocate General JANAC 8211 Joint Army Navy Assessment Committee. Formed following WWII to go over Japanese records to determine actual damage done by whom. JAPIC - Joint Air Photographic Interpretation Centre JARIC - Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre JASS - Joint Anti-Submarine School JATE - Joint Air Transport Establishment JB - Jaeger Battalion - Mountain troops - Ger. JCU - Jet Conversion Unit (Bomber Command Jet Conversion Unit) JEFTS - Joint Elementary Flying Training Squadron JEHU - Joint Experimental Helicopter Unit JFACTSU - Joint Forward Air Controllers Training Standards Unit JFHQ - Joint Force Headquarters JG - Jagdgeschwader - Fighter wing - Ger. JGWTU - Joint Guided Weapons Training Unit JHDU - Joint Helicopter Development Unit JHQ 8211 Joint Headquarters JNBCD - Joint Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defence JNCO - Junior NCO JPTU - Jet Provost Trials Unit JR - Infantry Regiment (used WW1 esp. Bavarian units until 3930s) - Ger. JRC - Junior Ranks Club (Mess) JSPI - Joint School of Photographic Interpretation JSSC - Joint Services Staff College JSSPT - School for Jungle Self Preservation Training JSTU - Joint Services Trials Unit JT - Junior Technician JTF - Joint Task Force (landairsea) or Jet Training Flight JTF -2 - Joint Task Force 2 JTU - Joint Trials Unit JWE - Joint Warfare Establishment Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:04 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 KAAU - Kenya Auxiliary Air Unit KAF - Kenya Air Force KD - Khaki Drill Kdo. - Kommando - Commando - Ger. Kdore. - Kommodore - Commodore - Ger. Kdr - Kommandeur - Commander - Ger. KE Rd. - Kinetic Energy Round KFS - Knife, Fork, Spoon KF - King39s Flight KG - Kampfgeschwader - Bomber wing - Ger. KIA - Killed In Action KKptn. - Korvettenkapitan - Corvette Captain (Lieutenant-Commander) - Ger. KLFS - Kula Lumpur Fighter Squadron Kptn. z.S - Kapitn zur See - Senior Naval Captain - Ger. KRs - King39s Regulations KUAS - Kent University Air Squadron KwK - Kampfwagenkanone - armoured vehicle gun - Ger. KZ - Killing Zone KZ - Konzentrazionslager - Concentration Camp - Ger. Edited by Spartanroller, 09 November 2010 - 03:12 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 L1s - Level One Advisors as set out in A-FN-100-002AG-006 LAAGS - Light Anti-Aircraft Gunnery School LAAP - Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant - US. LAAPC - Light Anti-Aircraft Practice Camp LAC - Leading AircraftmanLibrary and Archives Canada LACW - Leading Aircraft Woman LAM - Louisiana Maneuvers - US. LAMC - Letterman Army Medical Center - US. LARC 8211 Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo LAS - Light Aircraft School lat - latitude LAT - local apparent timelocal area transport LAV 8211 Light Armoured Vehicle LAW - Leading Aircraft Woman (Airforce) Lb - Pound (weight) LB - light bombardmentlocal batterylitter bearer LCA - landing craft, assault LCB - line of constant bearing LCF - Lincoln Conversion Flight LCI - landing craft, infantry LCdr - Lieutenant Commander (Naval Rank), O-4 LCol - Lieutenant Colonel - US. LCP - landing craft, personnellighterage control point LCpl 8211 Lance Corporal LCT - landing craft, tank LCU - landing craft, utility LCVP - landing craft, vehicle and personnel LDGP - low-drag, general purpose (bomb) ldr leader LdSH (RC) 8211 Lord Strathcona39s Horse (Royal Canadians) LE - low explosive leading edge LEAD - Letterkenny Army Depot - US. LeFH - Leichte FeldHaubitze - light field howitzer - Ger. LEME - Land Electrical and Mechanical Engineering LF 8211 Low Frequency. Radio frequency band. LFA - Land Force Area LFAA 8211 Land Force Atlantic Area LFCA 8211 Land Force Central Area LFC - Land Force Command (Army) LFCA - Land Force Central Area LFCA TC 8211 Land Forces Central Area Training Centre LFDTS - Land Forces Doctrine and Training System LFNA 8211 Land Force Northern Area LFQA 8211 Land Force Quebec Area - Can. LFRR - Land Force Reserve Restructure LFS - Lancaster Finishing School LFWA - Land Force Western Area LFWATC 8211 Land Force Western Area Training Centre LFX - live fire exercise LG - Landing Groundlanding gearlogistics LGen - Lieutenant General LHAAP - Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant - US. LHQ - Local Headquarters (Army Cadet term) LHS - left hand side LICROSS - League of International Red Cross Societies Linc Weld - Lincoln and Welland Regiment LL - latitudelongitude LLA - latitude, longitude, altitude LLF - Light Liaison Flight LLTU - Leigh Light Training Unit LM - load masterlogistics managementlocal manufactureLegion of Merit LMB 8211 Light Mortar Battery LMG - Light Machine Gun LMF - Lack of Moral Fibre - Medical term used to describe British servicemen with Combat Stress problems LNO - liaison officer LNSF - Light Night Striking Force, of Mosquitoes of 8 Group LNTS - League of Nations Treaty Series LO - Liaison Officer LOA - letter of agreementlength overallletter of authorizationlight observation aircraftlimit of advance LOAC - Law of Armed Conflict (Hague and Geneva Conventions protocols) L of C - Lines of Communication LOD - Line of Departure Log - Logistic(s) LOI - letter of instructionletter of intentlist of items LON - letter of notification LONG - longitude LOR - level of repairletter of request LOS - Line Of Sight LOSREP - loss report (aircraftaircrew) LP - Listening Post LR - Long Range LRDG - Long Range Desert Group LRFU - Long Rang Ferry Unit LRDF - Long Range Development Flight LRDU - Long Range Development Unit LRMP - long-range maritime patrol LRPA - long-range patrol aircraft LRR - long-range radar LRRP - long-range reconnaissance patrols LRS - Legislative and Regulatory Services LRSW - Long Range Sniper Weapon LRWE - Long Range Weapons Research Establishment LRWRE - Long Range Weapons Research Establishment LS - Leading Seaman LSDI - Large Scale Deliberate Intervention LSMR - landing ship, Multiple rocket LST - Landing Ship, Tank List LSV - logistics support vessel LSVW - Light Support Vehicle Wheeled LSW - Light Support Weapon Lt 8211 Lieutenant - Leutnant Lt. Gen. - Lieutenant General Lt. Col. - Lieutenant Colonel (rank) Lt (N) - Lieutenant (Navy), O-3 LTAs - Leave Travel Assistance LTI 8211 Link Trainer Instructor LT (JG) lieutenant junior grade (Naval Rank), O-2 LTP - Long Term Planning LTW - Lyneham Transport Wing LUP - Lying Up Point LVS - Logistics Vehicle System LW - Light Warning (radar)long wavelow wingleeway Lw - Luftwaffe - Air Force - Ger. LWCC - Lightweight Combat Clothing LZ - Landing Zone Edited by Spartanroller, 14 November 2010 - 08:28 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 MA - Managing Authority MAA - Mutual Aid Agreement MAAF - Mediterranean Allied Forces or Malayan Auxiliary Air Force MAC - Mediterranean Air Command MACAF - Mediterranean Allied Coastal Air Force MACP - Medic Air Command Post MAD - Marine Acceptance Depot MAED - Marine Aircraft Experimental Depot MAEE - Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment MAEU - Marine Aircraft Experimental Unit MAFIS - Midlands Area Flying Instructors School Magic 8211 code name applied to high level Japanese war time decryptions Maj - Major (rank) Maj. Gen. - Major General (rank) MAJAID - Major Air Disaster M. A.N. - Maschinefabrik-Augsburg-Nrnberg. German diesel engine design and manufacturer. MAP - Ministry of Aircraft Production MARCOM - Maritime Command MAREL - Moveable Air Reconnaissance Exploitation Unit Maru code - low level IJN code used by merchant and transport vessels MASFS - Midlands area School of Special Flying MASM - Managing Authority System Manager MASRCF - Malta Air Sea Rescue Communications Flight MATAF - Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Forces MATZ - Military Air Traffic Zone MBdr - Master Bombardier (MCpl in the Artillery) MBT 8211 Main Battle Tank MC - Military Cross MCA - Ministry of Civil Aviation MCC - Military Career Counselor MCCFF - Maintenance Command Communication and Ferry Flight (MC)IRAM - Marine Corps Individual Records Administration Manual - US. MCJTF - Maintenance Command Jet Training Flight MCOIN - Maritime Command Operational Information System MCpl - Master Corporal - Can. MCS - Metropolitan Communication Squadron MCTAP - Military Civilian Training Accreditation Program MCTTS - Malta Communication Target Towing Flight MCU - Mosquito Conversion Unit or Meteorological Conversion Unit MCU - Marine Craft Unit MD - Medicine and Duties or Medals and Decorations MD 8211 Military District MDA - Main Defensive Area MCDV - Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel Me - Messerschmitt ME - Middle East MEAC - Middle East Air Command MEAF - Middle East Air Force MEAFITF - Middle East Air Force Instrument Training Flight MEAFTTU - Middle East Air Force Target Towing Unit MEAS - Middle East Armament School MECGS - Middle East Central Gunnery School Mech - Mechanized Med - MedicalMediterraneanmedium MedMe - Mediterranean and Middle East MEF - Middle East Forces MEFC - Middle East Ferry ControlCommand MEL - Medical Employment Limitations MENVTS - Middle East Night Vision Training School MEPAP - Middle East Pilot Aircrew Pool Met Res - Meteorological Research METS - Middle East Training School MEW - Microwave Early Warning (radar) MFC - Mortar Fire Controller MFH - Military Field Hospital MFNU - Malta Night Fighter Unit MFP - Military Foot Police MFPU - Mobile Field Photographic Unit MFRC - Military Family Resource Centre MG - Machine Gun or Motor Generator MGen - Major General MGS - Mobile Gun System MGSP - Mobile Glider Servicing Party MI - Messes and Institutes MI - Military Intelligence MIA - Missing in Action MICV - Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle MID - Mentioned in Dispatches Militia - The Reserve Force (RF) Min Tech - Ministry of Technology MIO - Maritime Interdiction Operations MIR - Medical Inspection Room Mk - Mark MKV - Mark V fire tender MLOC - Minimum Level of Capability MLU 8211 Maple Leaf Up - Can. MLVW - Medium Logistics Vehicle Wheeled MM - Military Medal MMESTFS 8211 Mediterranean Middle East Special Transport FlightSquadron MMEV 8211 Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle MML 8211 Manual of Military Law MND - Minister of National Defence MMP - Military Mounted Police MO - Medical Officer (doctor) MOA - Ministry of Aviation Mob 8211 Mobilisation Mobile MOC - Military Occupation Code MoD - Ministry of Defence - UK. Mod - Modifiedmodification Mod - Modle - ModelMark - Fr. MOD(PE) - Ministry of Defence (Procurement Executive) MOPA - Military Objective Previously Attacked MOPP - Mission Oriented Protective Posture MORU - Mobile Operations Room Unit MOS - Marine Observation School or Military Occupational Structure MoS - Ministry of Supply MOTU - Marine Operational Training Unit MOU - Memorandum of Understanding MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain Mov O 8211 Movement Order MP - Military Police Member of Parliament MPCC - Military Police Complaints Commission MPI - Mean Point of Impact MPIR - Military Police Investigation Report MPRR - Member8217s Personnel Record Rsum MRD 8211 Manitoba Regimental Depot MRE - Meal Ready to Eat (rations) MRES - Missing Research and Enquiry Service MREU - Missing Research and Enquiry Unit MRF - Meteorological Research Flight MRS - Maritime Reconnaissance School MR sqn - Medium Reconnaissance squadron MRT - Mountain Rescue Team MRU - Medical Rehabilitation Unit or Mobile Radio Unit MS - Modelling Simulation MS - Master Seaman (Navy) MSE - Mobile Support Equipment MSFU - Merchant Ship Fighter Unit MSgt. - Master Sergeant(1st Grade) - US. Msl - Missile MSM - Mainstream Media MSR - Morse Slip Reader MSU - Mobile Signals Unit or Maintenance Sub Unit MT - Mechanical Transport or Motor Transport MTAP - Military Training Assistance Program MTBD - Mechanical Transport Base Unit MTD - Mechanical Transport Driver MTLRU - Mechanical Transport Light Repair Unit MTP - Main Teaching Point(s) MTO - Mechanical Transport Officer MTMA - Military Terminal Maneuvering Area MTRU - Motor Transport Repair Unit MTSS - Mechanical Transport Servicing Section MTU - Mosquito Training Unit MU - Maintenance Unit MUG - Mid Upper Gunner MvOr 8211 Movement Order MWO - Master Warrant Officer Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:07 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 NA - not applicable NA - North Africa NAAFI - Navy, Army, Air Force Institute NAI - Named Area of Interest NARD - Northern Aircraft Repair Depot NAS 8211 Naval Air Station NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization Nav - Navigator Navaid - Navigational aid Navex - Navigation Exercise NAWW - Night All-weather Wing NBC - Nuclear Biological and Chemical NBCD - Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence NBCW - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare NbW - NebelWerfer - Smoke (mist) launcher - multiple rocket artillery system - Ger. NCCIS - National Command and Control Information System NCdt - Naval Cadet NCIP - National Counter-Intelligence Program NCM 8211 Non-Commissioned Members NCMGS - Non-Commissioned Member General Specification NCMPDS - Non-Commissioned Member Professional Development System NCO 8211 Non-Commissioned Officer (ranks other than officer ranks above private) NCS - Northern Communication Squadron NCU - Night Conversion Unit NDA - National Defence Act NDCC - National Defence Command Centre NDHQ - National Defence Headquarters NDHQ Sec - National Defence Headquarters Secretariat NDMC - National Defence Medical Center (hospital) NDOC - National Defence Operations Centre NDSP - National Defence Security Policy NE - Non Effective Used NEA - Non effective Airframe NEAF - Near East Air Force NEAFIS - North Eastern Air Flying Instructors School NEI - Netherlands East Indies NEO - New Entry Officer or Non-combatant Evacuation Operations NES - Non-Effective Strength NFA - Non Forecasted Airlift NFD - No further Data NFDSWU - Night Fighter development SquadronWingUnit NFF - Night Fighter Flight NFLS - Night Fighter Leaders School NFPA - National Fire Protection Association NFT - No further trace NFT - Night Flying Test NFTS - Night Fighter Training Squadron NGO 8211 Non-Governmental Organization NIB - New In Box NI CF - Night Conversion Flight NIS - National Investigation Service NJG - Nachtjagdgeschwader - night fighter wing - Ger. NJTP - National Joint Training Plan NO - Nursing Officer NOIC - Naval Officer In Command NOK - Next of Kin NOTAM - Notice To Airmen NPF - Non Public Funds NPP - Non-Public Property NS 8211 Naval Station or Naval Shipyard. NSCE - National Star Certification Exam NSDAP - Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) - Ger. NSDU - Navigation synthetic Development Unit NSE - National Security Exception NSN - NATO Stock Number NSPTF - Navigators Staff Pilot Training Flight NSRD - Nova Scotia Regimental Depot NSSC - National Security Studies Course NT - No Trace NTB - Norwegian Training Base NTS 8211 Naval Torpedo Station. NYK 8211 Not Yet Known NTR 8211 Nothing To Report NTS - (Night) Training Squadron NTU - Navigation Training Unit, Pathfinder Force or No Take Up NVG - Night Vision Goggles NVITS - Night Vision Instructors Training School NVTS - Night Vision Training School NwAAF - North West African Air Forces NwAASC - North West African Air Service Command NwACAF - North West African Coastal Air Force NwASAF - North West African Strategic Air Forces NwATAF - North West African Tactical air Force NwATBF - North West African Training Bomber Force NwATC - North West African Training Command NYD - not yet determined NZF - New Zealand Flight Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:08 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 OADFU - Overseas Aircraft Delivery FlightUnit (O)AFU - Observers Advanced Flying Unit OANS - Observers Air Navigation School OAPU - Overseas Aircraft Preparation Unit OAR - Obusna Aeroplansva Radionica, (District Aviation Workshop) OATS - Officers Advanced Training School (O)ATU - Observers Advanced Training Unit OBE - Order of the British Empire Obgfr. - Obergefreiter - Lance Corporal (approx) - Ger. Oblt. - Oberleutnant Obs - Observation (USAAF) OBS - Observer School OBUA - Operations in Built Up Areas OC - Officer Commanding (usually of company sized unit, differentiated from CO (battalionregt sized unit) or Officer Cadet OCdt - Officer Cadet OCIPEP - Office of Critical Infrastructure and Emergency Preparedness OCTU - Officer Cadet Training Unit OCU - Operational Conversion Unit OEU - Operational Evaluation Unit OFU - Overseas Ferry Unit O GroupO-Gp - Orders Group OGS - Officer General Specifications OIC - Officer in Charge or Officer39s Initial Course OJE - On Job Experience OKW - Oberkommando der Wehrmacht - High command of German armed forces - Ger. OMFC - Overseas Military Forces of Canada OMPF - Official Military Personnel File - US. OO - Orderly Officer OOB - Order of Battle (see Orbat) OOTW - Operations Other Than War OP - Observation Post or Operation Observation Party(artillery) Op 8211 Operation or Operator OPDP - Officer Professional Development Program OPI - Office of Primary Interest Opl - Operational OPME - Officer Professional Military Education Op O - Operation Order OPSEC - Operational Security Ops O - Operations Officer OPP - Operational Planning Process OPV - Offshore Patrol Vessel or Observation Post Vehicle OR - Orderly Room or Other Ranks (Often mistakenly taken to mean Ordinary Ranks) Orbat 8211 Order of Battle ORB - Operations Record Book ORS - Operational Research Section ORTU - Operational Refresher Training Unit ORV - Objective Rendezvous OS - Observers School or Ordinary Seaman (Navy) OS( - Ordinary Seaman (Basic) OSreg - Ordinary Seaman (Recruit) (O)SoAG - Observers School of Reconnaissance Aerial Gunnery OSC - Officers Senior Course (for RAFVR (T) officers, conducted at ACTC) OSC - Overseas Staff College OSRAP - Observers School of Reconnaissance Aerial Gunnery OTS 8211 Operational Training Squadron or Operational Training School OStJ 8211 Officer of the Order of St John - Can. OTSCU - Officer Training School Conversion Unit OTU - Operational Training Unit OTW - Operational Training Wing OUAS - Oxford University Air Squadron - UK. Edited by Spartanroller, 09 November 2010 - 10:09 PM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 P A - Pay and Allowances PA - Public Affairs PACT - Pre Aircrew Training PAERS - Prospect Applicant Electronic Record System PAF - Polish Air Force PAFF O - Public Affairs Officer (P)AFU - Pilots Advanced Flying Unit PaK - Panzer Abwehr Kanone - Anti Tank Gun - Ger. PakSh. - PaK Schutze - AT gun (shooter) layer - ger. PAM - Publications And Manuals pamphlet PAR - Precision Approach Radar PS - Plaque and Scroll (Memorial) PAT - Personnel Awaiting Training PATP - Packed Aircraft Transit Pool PATS - Pre-Aircrew Training School Pax 8211 Passengers PCCS - Protectorate Communication Support Unit PCF - Primary Combat Function PD39s - Pipes and Drums PD - Packing Depot or Professional Development PDC - Personnel Dispatch Centre or Professional Development Council or Port Defence Committee PDRC - Personnel Dispatch and Reception Centre PDS - Post Design Services or Professional Development System PDU - Personnel Dispersal Unit or Photographic Development Unit PEE - Proof Experimental Establishment PEFTS - Polish Elementary Flying Training School PER - Personnel Evaluation Report PERMIS - Personnel Electronic Records Management Information System PERSEC - Personnel Security PES - Parachute Exercise Squadron PF - Practice Flight Pfc. - Private First Class(6th Grade) - US. PFF - Pathfinder Force PFFNTU - Pathfinder Force Navigational Training Unit PFS - Parachute Flying Section or Primary Flying School PFTS - Polish Flying Training School PFU - Practice Flying Unit PGTF - Polish Grading Testing Flight PGTS - Parachute Glider Training School PHU - Personnel Holding Unit P Info - Public Information PI - Practice Interception PIB - Personal Information Bank Pi. - Pioniere - Combat Engineer - Ger. PIU - Photographic Intelligence Unit Pl - Platoon PLAR - Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition PLD - Post Living Differential PLF - Princess Louise Fusiliers PLQ - Primary Leadership Qualification PLS - Pallet Loading System PM - Pipe Major PMC - Personnel Management Centre or President of the Messing Committee. PMed - Preventive Medicine PMQ - Private Married Quarters PO - Pilot Officer PO - Petty Officer (Naval Rank equal to Warrant Officer) PO - Performance Objective PO1 - Petty Officer 1st Class PO2 - Petty Officer 2nd Class POETS Day - Push Off Early Tomorrow39s Saturday POL - Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants POM - Potential Officer Material slang Briton (Aus.) POMV 8211 PersonallyPrivately Owned Motor Vehicle PONTI - Slang - Personnel Of No Tactical Importance POR Personnel Occurrence Records POTU - Polish Operational Training Unit POW - Prisoner of War or Privately Owned Weapon PP 8211 Pilot Pupil PPCLI - Princess Patricia39s Canadian Light Infantry PPE - Personal Protective Equipment PPF - Parachute Practice Flight or Patrol Pathfinder PPI - Plan Position Indicator (Rotating radar display) PPP - Pupil Pilots Pool P Res - Primary Reserve PR - Photographic Reconnaissance PRB - Performance Review Board PRC - Personnel Reception Centre PRDUE - Photographic Reconnaissance Development Unit Establishment Pres - The Primary Reserve PRETC - Post Recruit Education Training Centre PRFUS - Pilots Refresher Flying UnitSchool PRI 8211 Physical Recreation Instructor PRTU - Pilot Refresher Training Unit PRRP - Pilots Reserve Reinforcement Poll (Middle East) PSA - Personnel Support Agency PSEA - Public Service Employment Act PSHRMAC - Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada PSI - President of the Services Institute PSLRA - Public Service Labour Relations Act PRU - Photographic Reconnaissance UnitPilot Replacement Unit or Personnel Reception Unit PS - Parachute School PSO - Personnel Selection Officer PSP - PerforatedPierced Steel Planking (for runways) or Personnel Support Program PSTC - Peace Support Training Centre PT - Physical Training PTC - Parachute Training Centre or Personnel Transit Camp or Personnel Transit Centre Pte - Private Pte( - Private (Basic) Ptereg - Private (Recruit) Pte(T) - Private (Trained) PTF - Parachute Test Flight PTI - Physical Training Instructor PTO - Pacific Theater of Operations PTS - Parachute Training SchoolSquadron Section PTU - Parachute Test Unit Parachute Training Unit PTURP - Pilots Training Unit Reinforcement Pool (see also TURP) PV - Positive Vetting Pvt. - Private (rank) PVTS - Positive Vetting (for) Top Secret PW - Perforating Wound PWF - Psychological Warfare Unit PWR - Personnel Warning Roster PWS - Protected Weapons Station (in Australia39s Army) PzJgr - Panzer Jaeger - Tank Hunter (Tank Destroyer) - Ger. PzKpfw - panzerkampfwagen - armoured fighting vehicle (usually tank) - Ger. Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 06:36 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 QAIMNS - Queen Alexandra39s Imperial Military Nursing Service QARANC - Queen Alexandra39s Royal Army Nursing Corps QCS - Queen39s Colour Squadron (RAF Regiment) QF - Queens Flight QFI - Qualified Flying Instructor QHNS - Queen39s Honorary Nursing Sister Nurse QHN - Queen39s Honorary Nurse QL - Qualification Level QM - Quartermaster QMG - Quartermaster General QMS - Quartermaster Sergeant QMSI - Quartermaster Sergeant Instructor (Warrant Officer Rank) - UKCan. QOL - Quality of Life QOLPMO - Quality of Life Project Management Office QOLSRB - Quality of Life Senior Review Board QOR - Queen39s Own Rifles of Canada QRs - Queen39s Regulations QRD - Quebec Regimental Depot QRO - Queen39s Regulations and Orders QS - Qualification Standard QVJI - Queen Victoria39s Jubilee Institute QYRANG - Queen39s York Rangers Edited by Spartanroller, 09 November 2010 - 07:24 PM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 R22eR - Royal 22e Regiment reg - Reserve R - Receiver RA - Royal Artillery (UK) - Retirement Age RAAF - Royal Australian Air Force or Royal Auxiliary Air Force (UK) RACON - Radar beacon RD - Research Development RAdmRADM - Rear-Admiral (naval rank), O-7 and O-8 RAE - Royal Aircraft Establishment or Royal Aerospace Establishment RAF - Royal Air Force (UK) RAF(B)ITS - Royal air Force (Belgium) Initial Training School RAFA - Royal Air Force Association RAFALO - Royal Air Force Association Liaison Officer RAFARS - Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society RAFASU - RAF Armament Support Unit (formerly BCAS) RAFBF - RAF Benevolent Fund RAFC - Royal Air Force College RAFD 8211 Royal Air Force Depot RAFFC - Royal Air Force Flying College RAFG - Royal Air Force Germany RAFM - Royal Air Force Mission RAFM - Royal Air Force Mesopotamia RAFMB - Royal Air Force Maintenance Base RAFMS - Royal Air Force Music Services RAFNI - Royal Air Force Northern Ireland RAFO - Reserve of Air Force Officers RAFRS - Royal Air Force Regiment School RAFSAA - RAF Small Arms Assn. RAFSC - Royal Air Force Staff College RAFSCOCF - Royal Air Force Staff College Overseas Communication Flight RAFTC - Royal Air Force Technical College RAFVR - Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve RAN 8211 Royal Australian Navy RAP - Reserve Aircraft Pool or Regimental Aid Post or Rocket Assisted Projectile or Recognized Air Picture RAPDS - Recognized Air Picture Display System RAPO - Records And Pay Office RAS - Reserve Aeroplane School or Rear Area Security or Replenishment At Sea RAT Flt - Radio Aids Training Flight RATG - Rhodesian Air Training Group Rats - Rations RATW - Rhodesian Air Training Wing RAuxAF - Royal Auxiliary Air Force RBG - Reserve Brigade Group RC - Recruiting Centre radio controlled RCA 8211 Royal Canadian Artillery RCAF 8211 Royal Canadian Air Force RCAF(WD) 8211 Royal Canadian Air Force (Womens Division) RCAC - Royal Canadian Armoured Corps or Royal Canadian Army Cadets RCACA - Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Association RCAMC - Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps RCASC 8211 Royal Canadian Army Service Corps RCASU - Radar Controlled Air Survey Unit RCC - Rescue Co-ordination Center RCCS - Royal Canadian Corps of Signals RCD - Royal Canadian Dragoons RCDC - Royal Canadian Dental Corps RCE - Royal Canadian Engineers RCEME - Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers RCFS - Rhodesian Central Flying School RCGIS - Reserve Command Gliding Instructors School RCHA 8211 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery RCIFF - Reserve Command Intensive Flying Flight RCITF - Reserve Command Instrument Training Flight RCL - Recoilless (weapon) RCM Sqn Flt - Radio Counter Measures Squadron Flight RCMP 8211 Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCN 8211 Royal Canadian Navy RCOC - Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps RCR 8211 Royal Canadian Regiment RCTF - Reserve Command Training Flight RCZ 8211 Rear Combat Zone RDA 8211 Records Disposition Authority RDAF - Royal Danish Air Force RDAO - Regional Departmental Accounting Office RDF - Radio Direction Finder RDFCF - Radio Direction Finding Calibration Flight RDFS - Radio Direction Finding School RDU - Radar Development Unit RDUK - Repairable at Depot in UK REAF - Royal Egyptian Air Force RECCERecce 8211 Reconnaissance Recon 8211 Reconnaissance - US REU - Radio Engineering Unit Revd - Reverend reversed revised Reg - contraction for Regular and Regular Force Regulation RETP - Reserve Entry Training Program RFC - Royal Flying Corps RFF - Refresher Flying Flight RFS - Reserve Flying School Rft - Reinforcement RFTS - Refresher Flying Training School RFU - Refresher Flying Unit RG - Rear Gunner Rgmt. - Regiment - Ger. RHAF - Royal Hellenic Air Force RHLI - Royal Hamilton Light Infantry - Can. RHQ - Regimental Headquarters RIAF - Royal Indian Air Force RIIP - Reserve Integrated Information Project RIMU - Radio Installation Maintenance Unit RiSh. - RichtSchtzen - Ger. RJDF - Rapid Joint Deployment Force RK - RitterKreuz - Knight39s Cross - Ger. RLF - Rapid Landing Flight RLG - Relief Landing Ground RM - Royal Marine (UK) RMA - Royal Military Academy or Rear Maintenance Area or Revolution in Military Affairs RMAF - Royal Malaysian Air Force RMC - Royal Military College RMF - Radar (Radio) Meteorological Flight RMP - Royal Military Police or Recognized Maritime Picture RM RANG - Rocky Mountain Rangers RMS - Royal Mail Ship RMU - Radio Maintenance Unit RN - Royal Navy (UK) or Radiation and NuclearRegistered Nurse RNAF - Royal Norwegian Air Force RNAS - Royal Naval Air StationService or Royal Norwegian Air Service (RNoAS) RNAW - Radar Navigation Aids Wing RNBR - The Royal New Brunswick Regiment RNCU - Radar Navigation Conversion Unit RNEFTS - Royal Navy Elementary Flying Training School RNethAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force RNFS - (Royal Naval Fighter Squadron RNZAF - Royal New Zealand Air Force ROC - Royal Observer Corps ROE - Rules of Engagement ROS - Repairable on Site ROTA - Release Other Than Attack ROTC 8211 Reserve Officer Training Corps ROTP - Regular Officer Training Plan or Reserve Officer Training Program ROWPU 8211 Reverse-Osmosis Water Purification Unit RP - Regimental Police RPAF - Royal Pakistan Air Force RPzB - Raketenpanzerbsche - Rocket Anti tank weapon (bazooka etc.) - Ger. RPDS - Radar Photographic Display System RPG 8211 Rocket Propelled Grenade or Rounds per gun RQ - Rations and Quarters RQMS - Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant RRC - Royal Red Cross RRE - Radar Research Establishment RRF(U) - Radio Reconnaissance Flight (Unit) RRFU - Radar Research Flight RRH - Remote Radar Head RRR - Royal Regina Rifles RRU - Raid Reporting Unit RS - Radio School or Reserve School or Reserve Squadron RSM - Regimental Sergeant Major RSP 8211 Red Spot FlaresFires () RSRE - Royal Signals Radar Establishment RSS - Repair Salvage Section RSU - Repair Salvage Unit RSS - Radio Servicing Section RSO - Range Safety Officer or Range Standing Orders RSS - Reg F Support Staff RSU - Repair Servicing Unit or Repair Salvage Unit RT - Radio Telephony RTB - Return To Base RTC 8211 Returned To Corps RTD - Return To Depot retired RTM - Ready To Move RTO - Rail Transport Officer Radio Telegraphy Officer RTP - Recruit Training Pool Rttm. - Rittmeister - Cavalry Captain - Ger. RTU - Return To Unit RU - Reception Unit or Repair Unit RV 8211 Rendezvous, Radio vehicle RW - Receiving Wing or Recorded Warning RWE - Radio Warfare Establishment RWS - Remote Weapons Station (Aus.) RYAFTU - Royal Yugoslav Air Force Technical Unit Edited by Spartanroller, 14 November 2010 - 08:30 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 SAA - Small Arms Assn. or Small Arms Ammunition SAAF - South African air Force SAC - Senior Aircraftman SACEUR - Supreme Allied Commander Europe SADO - Senior Administrative Officer SAFU - South Atlantic Ferry Unit SAM - Surface to Air Missile SAN - School of Air Navigation SAOEU - Strike Aircraft Operational Evaluation Unit SAP - School of Air Pilotage SAPI - Semi Armour Piercing Incendiary SAR - Search Rescue SAR tech - Search And Rescue Technician SARD - Southern Aircraft Repair Depot SARTUS - Search and Rescue Training UnitSquadron SAS - Special Air Service (UK special forces)Servicing Aircraft Section or Situational Awareness System SASO - Senior Air Staff Officer or Stability Support Ops SATCO - Senior Air Traffic Controller SAV - Staff Assistance Visit SBA - Standard Beam Approach S-Boot - Schnellboot - Fast Torpedogunboat - Ger. SC Sergeant-Chef - Senior SergeantStaff Sergeant - Fr. SC - Salvage Centre or Strike Command SCAN - Second Career Assistance Network Program SCBS - Strike Command Bombing School SCCS - Strike Command Communication Squadron SCDU - Strike Command Development Unit SCF - Squadron Conversion Flight SCONDVA - Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs SCR - School of Control Reporting or Signal Corps Radio SCRR - Special Commission on the Restructuring of the Reserves SCS - Southern Communication SquadronSpecial Communication Squadron SD - Special DutySpecial Duties or Stores Depot SD155. - Operational Memorandum SDF - Special Duties Flight Sdkfz - sonderkraftwagen - special purpose vehicle (used for almost all military vehicles ) - Ger. SDregDU - Special Duties (Radio) Development Unit SDR 8211 Strategic Defence Review SDU - Signals Development Unit SEAAC - South East Asia Air Command SEAC - South East Asia Command SEACF - South Eastern Area Communication Flight SEAFIS - South Eastern Area Flying Instructors School SEASI - South Eastern Area School of Instruction SECO - Synthetic Environment Coordination Office SEF - Special Experimental Flight or Siberian Expeditionary Force SEMO - Self Evident Military Objective SEP - Special Erection Party (Gibraltar) SEngO - Senior Engineering Officer or Station Engineering Officer SEs - Synthetic Environments SF - Station Flight or Special Forces SFC - School of Flying Control SFCS - Squadron Flight Commanders School SFF - Service Ferry Flight or Special Forces Flight (S)FPP - (Service) Ferry Pilots Pool SFT - School of Flying Training SFTS - Service Flying Training School SFU - Signal Flying Unit SGR - School of General Reconnaissance SGRAN(I) - School of General Reconnaissance Air Navigation (India) Sgt - Sergeant SHAEF - Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force SHAPE - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe SHARP - Standard for Harassment and Racism Prevention SHINCOM - Shipboard Integrated Communications SHLVW - Super Heavy Logistic Vehicle Wheeled SHofC - Seaforth Highlanders of Canada SHQ - Station Head Quarters Squadron HQ SHRMC - Strategic Human Resource Management Council SIB - Special Investigation Branch SIF - Special Instruction Flight SIFU - Special Installation FlightUnit Sig 8211 Signalman Signal SIGINT - Signals Intelligence Sigs - Signals SIR - Significant Incident Report SIS - Secret Intelligence Service SISIP - Service Income Security Insurance Plan Sit 8211Situation SitRep - Situation Report SITF - Station Instrument Training Flight SIU - Signals Intelligence Unit or Special Investigation Unit SIV - Staff Inspection Visits SL or SLdr - Squadron Leader SL - Sick leave SLAIS - Specialized Low Attack Instructors School SLAW - School of LandAir Warfare SLC - Search-Light Control SLR - Self Loading Rifle SLt - Sub-Lieutenant SLT - Second Language Training SME - Subject Matter Expert SMG - Sub Machine Gun SMP - Standard Military Pattern SMR - School of Maritime Reconnaissance SN-2 - German Night Fighter Radar SNC - School of Naval Cooperation SNCO - Senior Non Commissioned Officer (Sergeant and above) S of AN - School of Air Navigation SofRT - School of Recruit Training S of TT - or STT - School of Technical Training SoAC - School of Army Co-operation SoAF - School of Air Fighting SoAFG - School of Air Fighting and Gunnery SOAFBD - School of Air Fighting Bomb Dropping SoAFTT(I) - School of Air Force Technical Training (India) SoAG - School of Air Gunnery SoANBD - School of Aerial Navigation Bomb Dropping SoASR - School of Air Sea Rescue SoAS - School of Air Navigation SoAT - School of Air Transport SoATC - School of Air Traffic Control SOC - Struck off Charge or Sector Operations Control SOE - Special Operations executive SOF - Special Operations Flight SoFP - School of Fighter Plotting SofP - School of Photography SOG - Special Operations Group Soi - School of Instruction SOIC 8211 Senior Officer In Command SoMA - School of Military Aeronautics SoNBD - School of Navigation Bomb Dropping Sonar 8211 SOund Navigation And Ranging. SoNCAN - School of Naval Cooperation Aerial Navigation SOP - Standard Operating Procedure SoPT - School of Parachute Training SORD - Strategic Operations and Resource Direction SOS - Struck off strength (of a unit) or Save Our Souls SoSF - School of Special Flying SoWT - School of Wireless Telephony Sp - Support SP - Staging Post or Service Police or Self Propelled or Start Point Spr 8211 Sapper (lowest enlisted rank in UKCanadian Engineers) also general term for Combat Engineer SPSS - Spare Parts Supply Section SPTU - Staff Pilots Training Unit SQ - Soldier Qualification Course SqSqnSqd - Squadron SQFT - Secteur du Qubec de la Force terrestre SR - Strategic Reconnaissance SRAF - Southern Rhodesian Air Force SRCU - Short Range Conversion Unit SRF - School of Refresher Flying or Sea Rescue Flight or Search Rescue Flight SROs - Station Routine Orders SRTS - Short Range Transport Squadron SRTU - Survival Rescue Training Unit SRU - Strategic Reconnaissance Unit SRW - Strategic Reconnaissance Wing SS - Staff Sergeant SSgt. - Staff Sergeant SS - SchutzStaffel - Protection Squadron - armed wing of Nazi Party - Ger. SS - Signals School or Salvage Section or Steamship SSC - Senior Supervisor39s Course SSK - Long Range Diesel Patrol Submarine SSF - Special Service Flight or Special Survey Flight SSgt - Staff Sergeant - UK SSM - Squadron Sergeant Major or Surface to Surface Missile SSOs - Station Standing Orders SSQ - Station Sick Quarters SSTT - Supplementary School of Technical Training SSU - Sentry Standards Unit SSVAF - Straight Settlement Volunteer Air Force SSVC - Services Sound and Vision Corporation STANAG - NATO Standardization Agreements STDU - Synthetic Training Development Unit or Special Torpedo Development Unit STF - Seaplane Training Flight or Special Training Flight StFw. - Stabsfeldwebel - Staff Sergeant - Ger. StGefr. - Stabsgefreiter - Staff Corporal - Ger. STOL - Short Take Off and Landing Stn - Station STS - Seaplane Training Squadron or Special Transport Flight STT - School of Technical Training STT - Station Target Towing Sttrfuh - Stosstruppfuhrer - Ger. Stubafuh - Sturmbannfuhrer - Ger. StuG - Sturmgeschtz - Assault Gun (self-propelled) - Ger. SU - Support Unit or Servicing Unit Supp Res - Supplementary Reserve Supy - Supernumerary Svc - Service SVC BN - Service Battalion Svcs - Services SW 8211 Shrapnel (Shell) Wound SWAFIS - South Western Areas Flying Instructors School SWTS - Supplementary Wireless Telegraphy School SWO - Station Warrant Officer SWUAS - South Wales University Air Squadron Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:10 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 T - Transmitter TA - Territorial Army TAB - Tactical Advance to Battle TAC 8211 Tactical or Translation accuracy check TACEVAL - Tactical Evaluation TADU - Target Aircraft Development Unit or Training Aids Development Unit TAF - Tactical Air Force TAFSU - Tactical Air Force Support Unit TAG - Telegraphist Air Gunner (Fleet Air Arm) TAI - Target Area of Interest TAMU - Transport Aircraft MaintenanceModification Unit TARU - Transport Aircraft Repair Unit TB - Torpedo Bomber or Treasury Board TBF - Torpedo Bomber Fighter TBS - Torpedo Bombing School or Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBT 8211 Target Bearing Transmitter. Cradle for binoculars that could relay the bearing. TC - Training Command (Later Transport Command) or Training Centre TCAEU - Transport Command Aircrew Examining Unit TCASF - Transport Command Air Support Flight TCBU - Transport Command Base Unit TCCCS - Tactical Command, Control and Communications System TCDUF - Transport Command Development Unit TCEU - Transport Command Examining Unit TCFCS - Transport Command Flight Commanders School TCICU - Transport Command Initial Conversion Unit TCMF - Transport Command Meteorological Flight TCNVTS - Transport Command Night Vision Training School TCP 8211 Traffic Control Point TCPS - Transport Command Practice Flight TCU - Transport Conversion Unit TCV 8211 Troop Carrying Vehicle TD - Temporary Duty TDC 8211 Torpedo (firing) Data Computer TDS - Training Depot Station TDUFS - Torpedo Development UnitFlightSection TDU - Tactical Development Unit TEE - Test Evaluation Establishment TEU - Tactical Exercise Unit TEWT - TrainingTactical Exercise Without Troops TF - Training Flight or Task Force TFF - Target Facilities Flight TFPP - Temporary Ferry Pilots School or Training Ferry Pilots Pool TFP - Training Ferry Pool TFSF - Target Facilities Squadron TFSgt. Temporary Flight Sergeant TFU - Telecommunications Flying Unit Tgt 8211 Target TI - Target Indicator or Time In or Trial Installation TIC - Troops In Contact TIMs - Toxic Industrial Materials TIMEX - Time-Expired Tk 8211 Tank TL - Trade Level TLA - Three Letter Acronym TM 8211 Trench Mortar TMB - Trench Mortar Battery TMSBP - Theater Mission Specific Battle Procedure TMST - Theater Mission Specific Training Tn - Transport TO - Take Off TOE - Table of Organization and Equipment TOE - Table of Organization and Equipment TOET - Test of Elementary Training TOS - Taken on strength (of a unit) or Terms of Service TOT 8211 Time On Target Tourex - Tour-Expired Tp 8211 Troop or Training Plan TPO - Teleprinter Operator Tpr - Trooper (Private rank equivalent - cavalry and some police) TPS - Test Pilots School Tps - Troops TPT 8211 Transport or Target practice tracer or Third Party Targeting TQ - Trade Qualification (levels obsolete term for course training levels, ex. TQ 2, TQ 3) TQF - The Queens Flight TR - TransmitterReceiver TRE - Telecommunications Research Establishment Trg - Training Trg O - Training Officer TRS - Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron or Torpedo Refresher School Tru - Transportable Radar Unit TRUMP - Tribal Class Destroyer Update and Modernization Project TS - Training School or Training Squadron TSC - Training Support Company TSCU - Transport Support Conversion Unit TSgt. - Temporary Sergeant Technical Sergeant(2nd Grade)(US.) TSPC - Transport Support Practice Camp TSR - Torpedo Spotter Reconnaissance or Training and Support Request TSTS - Trade Selection Test Section TSTU - Transport Support Training Unit TT - Target Towing T. T. - Trade Training TTC - Technical Training Command TTF - Target Towing Flight or Towed Target Flight or Tanker Training Flight or Torpedo Training Flight or Transport Training Flight TTG - Target Towing Gunnery TTP39s - Tactics, Techniques and Procedures TTS - Torpedo Training SchoolSquadron TTU - Torpedo Training Unit or Target Towing Unit TU - Training Unit TUA - TOW Under Armour TURS - Training Unit Reserve School TV - Tactical Vest TWDU - Tactical Weapons Development Unit TWO - Temporary Warrant Officer Two ic 8211 Second In Command (2IC) TWU - Tactical Weapons Unit T3 Sgt. - Technical Sergeant(3rd Grade) - US. T4 Sgt. - Technical Sergeant(4th Grade) T5 Cpl. - Technical Corporal(5th Grade) Edited by Spartanroller, 13 November 2010 - 07:11 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAS - University Air Squadron U-Boot - Unterseeboot - Submarine - Ger. UC Undercarriage UDT - Underwater Demolition Team (WW2 forerunner of today39s Navy Seals) UED - Universal Equipment Depot Uffz. - UnterOffizier - Under Officer - Ger. UHF - Ultra High Frequency (radio) ui - Unidentified UKADGE - UK Air Defence Ground Environment UKADR - UK Air Defence Region UKMF 8211 United Kingdom Mobile Force UMS - Unit Medical Section Unclass 8211 Unclassified UOR - Urgent Operational Requirement UNPROFOR - United Nations Protection Force UPR - Unit Personnel Record (CF 478) URS - Records Support Unit US 8211 Unserviceable us - unserviceable US - United States USAAC - United States Army Air Corps USAACF United States Army Air CorpsFlight USAAF - United States Army Air Forces Ustfuh - Untersturmfuhrer - Ger. ut - under training UT - University Teaching Group UTPNCM - University Transfer Program (Non-Commissioned Member) UXB - Unexploded Bomb UXO - Unexploded Ordnance Edited by Spartanroller, 10 November 2010 - 01:39 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 VAC - Veterans Affairs Canada VAD - Voluntary Aid Detachment VAdmVADM - Vice Admiral, three star naval flag officer, 8211 O9 VC 8211 Victoria Cross VCAS - Vice Chief of the Air Staff VCDS 8211 Vice Chief of the Defence Staff VCP 8211 Vehicle Check Point VCR - Valve, Cathode-Ray (cathode-ray tube) Veh 8211 Vehicle VFS - Verification of Former Service VGS - Volunteer Gliding School VHF - Very High Frequency (radio frequency band) VISTRE - Visual Inter-Service Training Research Establishment VOR - VHF Omnidirectional Range (Radio Navigation Aid)Vehicle Off Road(unserviceable) VR - Voluntary Release VS - VolksSturm - German peoples militiahome guard force Edited by Spartanroller, 14 November 2010 - 08:30 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 WAAC - Women8217s Army Auxiliary Corps (UK) WAAF - Women39s Auxiliary Air Force WACS - West Africa Communication Squadron WARD - Western Aircraft Repair Depot WCdr - Wing Commander WCAD - War Casualty Accounts Department WCS - Western Communication Squadron WD 8211 Womens Division (Airforce) WDCFU - Western Desert Communication FlightUnit WDU - Wireless Development Unit WE - War Establishment WEE - Wireless Experimental Establishment Wef - With Effect From WEM - Wireless Electrical Mechanic Wg - Wing WIA - Wounded In Action WIDU - Wireless Intelligence Development Unit Wksp - Workshop WL - Wing Leader WO - Warrant Officer or War Office (UK) WO1 - Warrant Officer First Class WO2 - Warrant Officer Second Class WOp - Wireless Operator WOpAG - Wireless OperatorAir Gunner WORD - Western Ontario Regimental Depot WOS - Wireless Observers SchoolWireless Operators School WOT1 War Office Type 1 Fire Tender WOU - Wireless Operators Unit WRAF - Women39s Royal Air Force WRAFVR (T) - Women39s Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Training branch) (disbanded with WRAF) WS - Wireless School WT - Wireless Telegraphy (morse code communicatons) WTO-AGP - World Trade Organization 8211 Agreement on Government Procurement WTP - Wireless Testing Park WTS - Wireless Telegraphy School or Weapons Training Squadron WTt - Wireless Telegraphy Edited by Spartanroller, 10 November 2010 - 01:47 AM. Like This Unlike Spartanroller 08 Nov 2010 XM - Experimental Model (followed by numbersletters) - US. XO - Executive Officer (Navy) 2nd in command, reports to the CO Edited by Spartanroller, 10 November 2010 - 01:44 AM. AAR Railroad Reporting Marks A railroad reporting mark, officially known as a standard carrier alpha code (SCAC), is a two to four letter code assigned by Railinc (for-profit subsidiary of the Association of American Railroads, or AAR) that uniquely identifies the owner of a piece of railroad rolling stock. The mark is stenciled on the sides of equipment such as locomotives, freight cars, and passenger cars. The number that follows a reporting mark is a fleetcar number assigned by the owner. The combined reporting mark (code and number) is used by railroads, railcar owners, and shippers to identify and track equipment. All railcars in interchange service (between railroads) must be labeled with a reporting mark. The railroad reporting mark is generally derived from the assigned companys initials. Due to mergers and acquisitions, some companies now possess dozens of reporting marks from predecessor companies. Equipment is often re-stenciled following a change of ownership, but it is not uncommon to see railcars still bearing the reporting marks of quotfallen flagquot railroads. This list of reporting marks is updated on an ongoing basis and does represent quotactivequot marks at any given time. Some of the listed reporting marks are assigned to now defunct railroads. Others are assigned to current companies but may not be found on any active equipment. Where multiple names are included for a given mark, the current (or most recent) owner name is provided in parenthesis. Marks that end in X, Z, and U are specially assigned to the following: quotXquot marks . assigned to railcar owners that are not common carrier railroads . These may include private car owners, leasing companies, and railroad museums. quotZquot marks . assigned to trailer owners for use on trailers in trailer on flatcar (TOFC) or quotpiggybackquot service. quotUquot marks . assigned to container owners for use on intermodal containers . Marks that end in any other letter are assigned to common carrier railroads for use on railroad equipment in interchange service. Note about container and trailer marks . The quotUquot codes for international intermodal containers are assigned by the Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal (BIC), not by the AAR. There are now thousands of registered codes due to the rapid increase in intermodal transport in recent years. Some of the more commonly seen reporting marks on North American railroads are included in this list of railroad reporting marks. If youre looking for a container code not included below, please use the free searchable database available on the BIC website. Codes for containers exclusively used in North America, plus those registered by North American non-railroad transportation companies, are assigned by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA). A database of these non-railroad SCACs is available for a fee on the NMFTA website . RailServe list of 4,903 railroad reporting marks. Updated November 2016. Note: This page was written by Christopher Muller and is copyright RailServe. Content may not be reproduced in whole or in part on any website, message board, or other medium. Please contact us with any questions, suggestions, or corrections.

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